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6Z Dam, Dtrkartn, <>}a**, Gray. Hanna, Joardsn, Knox, Kill;/, 1/**kp, Latnmorr, Meat), .Minton, M'l.aughlin, BTKay, M'Kee, M’Leod, MWnbb, Patton, Poindexter, lUtilpin, Runnel*, Sunpsoii, Scasioti^pSteel, Torrence,* Weal—.19. On nwiioa of Mr Leake, and seconded— (hatred, That (he muds ‘and Tuesday’ in'tlie Sd aectiftn be stricken oot, and insert after the won) August these words: ‘and the day following.' Mr Rankin moved, and «u seconded, tn amend the 6th section, to strike oul tl>e words *qualifiod vo?pr*’ in tlte 4th and 6th line*, and in hcu thereof insert tbe words *(766 white inhabitants.’ And lire qneetion thereon being taken, it was re-aohod in the affirmative. Mr l^enke moved, and was seconded, to strike nut tire °7:h #©ction as anta'nded. And he question tliereon being taken, it was determined m the negative. Mr. Leake mo ml, and m seconded, to reconsider the vote taken no yesterday upon the filling tbe tdank in the 'tfth section. And thu qtiesttivn thereon being taken, tt was re* solved in the affirmative. The question then recurred on filling up the said H'ink with (be words ‘Shteldsboroagh, on tbe Bay of St. Louts.* A;«d *b»? i^cslioii being put, was determined in the Bepativ-e. Mr. H'ttciieiot moved, and wa* oecocded* to fill the •ud blank wivb the word ‘Liberty.* f / 63 And the qMUmt being takco, .it was determined ia M: Puuidcxtcf moved, an<i wan seconded, to till the •aid UIsok with the word ‘Natd***.’ And tin1 question thoreon tiemg taken, it was resulted m the alBrcnativr, Thcyc.ts ami naya being demanded by two me nbere presort: —t!n*se who to ed in tfic aliirmatne am .Mr President, Mewr*. Unnwa, Burnet, [of Clai-bon.r] Bakli, Br-indna, ('lark, Dirts, l>owti», * iJ »*■,. Kitw*. I^eakc, Mcul, pomde&ter, Kjiikml Sini|**oi>, S«ii(ms, Steel, Bco't, Taylor, Turner, Wil-' kill!*, Williams—23. Tht«e itho to^-d in the negative are M'Wij, Bi'chelnr, Burtun, B irnet [of Hancock^ Dir.kaoo, -ny, Hanna, Jourdau, Kin*?, Lstli.' iwitf. Mmrnn, M',]*ain>hl!ii, M’K*y, M'Ke«, M'l<eod, M'Vib!>, Patton, Ruinel*, Torrvnce, W.lkntson, Ww—81. M'. Sttoj»«on moved, and was .seconded, that when <he c-mveation adjourns, that it wtH adjourn till 4 -oVliMtl;. r. *. And >he question being put, was determined in the r. ►gaiivw. Mr Wilkins moved, and was seconded, (bat when •♦hr* runvfi‘iifit~~trijnnnis, thn.*_il_^*H adjourn till 3 o'clock P. M. And i!ie question tliereon being taken, it wax cd in the adirmutive. And theu Uie convention adjourned tili 5 1 r. *. (0 ■ t: : 'A i !& s
Mississippi General Document (009)