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Named lor Ins maternal grandfather, I Strnhmcicr, and llis unde by marriage, Myrtille leitel, he was one ol lour ?m. ol (.'lav and Catherine S. Baxter; Lionel francis, Joseph Clav, Jr., I lermann Mwiillc, and John William.
I lermann, a I' irst I aeurenant m the 29th Inlanirv I )i\ 1-1011, was killed in action during World War II. On October 16, 19-14. .i: m near Frelcnberg, Germany, he died instantly when a mortar shell landed at In* led .is he was trying to rescue a wounded comrade. I le was posthumously awarded ilie Purple I leart and the Bronze Star.	^
On Mai; I)av, June 14, 1969, at the Freedom- Inundation at Valiev Forge, Pennsylvania, a ?Freedoms Wall" was dedicated. I he wall is composed of brick pillars connected with oak :.t::iiLrer> and mfn;wri.ih/c- the nalla::! me;
in the uniiorm ol the armed services ol the I huted States. The first 1(> pillars each contain a bronze plaque honoring patriots o| our country. The I Icmianii Baxter
Pillar is located next to the one honoring General of the Army Dwight 1). Fiscnhowcr. 1 he dedicatory speech was given In Lionel Baxter, I lerniann?s older brother, who did much to encourage the construction of the Freedoms Wall.
I lermann led an T
exemplarv life as a boy ,
and young man, leaving a record of achievement at Bay I ligh School in Bay St. Louis?football, f scholastics, drama, and politics. I 1c	??
wi>i keel Ins way through Ole Miss as a night clerk at the Colonial I lotel in	,J
Oxford. A liberal arts major, I lermann continued his record of achievement at the University. Fie was active in ROTC, the Flermaean I .itcrarv Society (president), the Catholic Club, YMCA, and the University Grcvs. I le also attained a superior scholarship record and was elected to membership in Phi Fta Sigma and Omicron Delta Kappa.
In 1942 1 lermann succeeded Billy Sam as president of" the Associated Student Body and held that position until he left for the Army in January 1943. Fie was chosen to the 1943 Ole Miss Student Flail of" Fame in recognition of ?his

Baxter, Lionel Lionel-Baxter-003
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