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MME OP LOUISIANA 900,1 & ^	}??:v yS^f?;|i
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of age, and a	*ssident	of	Crowletf,'Louisiana,	Parish	of ? Adik|&#n V
V	.	'-	?.**'*??	' ?	?	?	,	?"	.	.*??
do hereby ielli'assign, transfer and quitoiaim unto HARRY	'	?'5	vi,
'	? \ 5 r	. .>
CABRAL, JR., of age and a resident of the Parish of OPl*?Ui?>:'-.v.!;-;!\i:
State of Louisiana, all the right, titis antf interest which If
?	/^V-v	"	*..?	*?	??.'v/. ?'
have br may have, in and to the following described property; to-witi
't . 1 ? /	,	{/>?	I	?'	?	i,	./ v ' V ?	x	;><
Begirtning at ;a post on this East side of Smythe street) tlUWo*#;,'- "*v: running on a course South Thirty-nine degrees,.toast fiVe (9) Chains,, and fifty (50) links, three hundred and aixty-thred feet, thinoe.r., %\> running North ?ifty<rone (91) degrees east seven (7) chains arid w thirty-six (36) links four hundred and fighty-flve 9/12 feetj th*h4e running on. a course Sotiith thirty*one I3I)' degrees east to r Pearl River) theride the meandering of Pearl River to the East \
Bank to whence the said Smythe Street comes to said Riverj thence ; North 'forty-one (41) degrees Bast along said street to the plaoS ?_: of beginnings containing ten (10) aores more or less* it being a' %' portion of the original Ambrose Gaines tract all in the County of Hancock, State,of Mississippi, and in Section eighteen (18),
Township eight (8) South, Range Sixteen (16) West*
All of Block 1, of the town of Oainsville, as per tnap or plat of
*	said town of record in the office of the. Chancery Clerk of	...
HancockCounty, Mississippi, ?
. . \ : ? . = *.
? i THIS SALE, ASSIGNMENT, TRANSFER AND QUITCLAIM is made' ;, v V.	,	? ' ' *	?
for and in consideration of the price and sum of Ten and no/lOO*
;	/	.	t	*	?	*	*	*	?	/?	v	\
Dollars ($10.00), cash, and other valuable consideration, reoiept
?	* * "- '? .' of which is hereby acknowledged and full acquitance granted, to '	? ,'t
have and to hold the hereinabove described property unto the sal^ ^*.., '
purchaser, his hsirs and assigns forever. Appealer further dee*, 'i V;
1; w. r:
purchaser, his hsirs and assigns forever. Appealer further d?'e*. -x; lares that tio'.part of the above described property ife "vacant land", and i'orms no part of his homestead*
*s?S'*?nd signed at N?w oiplean?# libUisiana, thi's
tta*..year. 195S'? ??	.	?*	'?	?
,V/i	the	year	1955.	?.
'i'1 ?
fii j'fii.'. 'i-jyiykM aitflitfllMi flriy
*	?.. ? ?:

Cabral, Emory (Rouchon) Cabral-010
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Hancock County Historical Society
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