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after tilling them that the object of their association was completed, that they were now under the protection of the United .States to which he strongly and impressively advised them to pay due allegiance and respect.?
Conceiving as I did that Dupra eoukl at no future p?*riod be so well convinced as at this, of the necessity of returning the property which he and his party had arrested from innocent people at the Mouth of Pascagoula I concluded that Mr. F. Coining was a proper person for showing this necessity. I therefore declined presenting him with his Commission of Justice of the Peace in and for the Parish of Viloxy, but filled up one Tor him as Justice of the Peace for the Parish of Pascagoula, presenting him with the necessary Laws, in order that he might proceed up the Pascagoula, and new assurances of the determination of the Government of the United States, to support the people of that Country, and by every means of persuasion and moderation to produce a restoration of the property, and correct the misunderstanding which existed among some of the Inhabitants. Finding no person*? able either to read or write residing there at the ?ay or Mouth of the Pascagoula, and the Inhabitants expressing great confidence in, and attachment to Geo: Farragout (Sailing master in the navv of the United States) t persuaded him for the time lw-ing to accept of a Commission of Justice of the Penee in and for the Parish of Pascagoula, which I ac-et.rdingly filled up, and delivered him the necessary Laws. [ also filled up a Commission for Benjamin Lo.idin living twenty miles from the mouth of the Pas-
?	iigoula as Justice of the Peace in and for the Parish of Pn^eairoula, and delivered him also the necessary F*?uvs.
?Th* . on*lui-t of Kpmprr in connection with the Revolution of \\V?
*	leriij* ha* be?*n misunderstood by more than one commentator. He
a patriotic revolutionist and not a brigand.

Claiborne, J.F.H Claiborne-J.F.H-009
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