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UND KON. OESTERR-Ui.oAR. KONSULAT CS. ES KIR. OSZTRX^ MAGYAR KONZULATUS IN NEW ORLEANS. LOUISIANA. ____!_________ 304 PERRIN BUILDING. V ' ???? . - NEW'1 ORLEANS,? UAV?Api>il v'&S'tll,, 1916 MR* ;\0rti& ~ * ~A IJR 0.L AM 0 CUBRANI'CH i.lf -l i Jj pr< j ijn-~ oa-TX.S<?- -r??post* Office Box 124 ?1*.? flS Vg T.*T9jr' ^ ? ? 11 -*?'? DEAR SIR.? ? ' ^Ytfjar 1 of* Tri itTf^o s t a 1 Money Order 10,25 has duly reached me arid agreeably^with'^ou^ request I have forwarded to . ?* ' ? * Z?^X: '>* i' . . ,s- 4.. fefei k^hefjIre *;? / ? ? ^r-"':, j/-**<**'? 3 MKHIKQVA. ? ESSKAKQVA. , * * .1 ? p ?*? .*?>;** _ / ? iBoia^Ve^lia.-''A^stVfaw af I ? v ri?b32I22. tri5*oo--^--i-A-^-^-^?grT0f*3r Poslateo?^ 6'hkqfe Dwr u?s*? : ? [10.25 SS=-fc??? ?The amount ^f.^^j6^0Qyi^ill ie^^id to ;* . - ** - -?**-? *. V?'A Cl WL^Cj to* Mrs* ^atherinel Gubranich*- by the Post Officd i in Beskanova, ): . *? ' ** CXil?'- 5 -i\ * and a recei *V V will be returned in due course of time*-*? \0 -V V .7 C I) 3 V ., 2 6::-: Yours truly s^/yic^35^/vv\<vvvv\,
Cubranich, Jorko Cubranich-009