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?a helre and dlatrlbutees, and% the uld ^ptoolo roretlch, la * fully authorized te make and deliver unto each and every pur- ^. chaser of the lande belonging to the Estate ofAlexlaFayard deceased, deeda in all( legal forma apd the said Antonio Foretlch is authorized to sell at public outcry to the highest bidder	for	cash, at	auch time and place as he mayrdeea	beat	and'
moat	expedient, the	lands belonging to the Estate	of Alexia
Payard deceased, which lands are more particularly described as follows:
Twenty-one (21) acrea more or less In Section Eleven (11) Township	P*r*er,
(7) Seven, Range (10) Tan Wait.	1
This tract contalna house and Improve*-	. t'
mencs. Forty acres (601 more or less in Section Ten (10) ftfmkhlp (7) Seven.
Range Ten (10) West. On} hundred and sixty (160) more or leas in Section (3) Three, ^>wnship (7) Seven, Range (10)	Ten West. Ail being situated	in	\ir%
the County of Harrison, State of Mississippi.
In testimony whereof, we have th/s 2nd day of July In year i of our Lord 1888 affixed our hands and seals.
	u.y Bsr*
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Mary Armine Krautter Jaoes M, Parker. Emily Parler Ursane A. Parker Mb. E. Parker Matilda Armstrong Octavla Latimer
Lavinla Koran Mary M. Grou Louis Fayard ' Cecilia Stevart Mary M. Foretlch . Caroline Thoaaa
Harrison.County Record of Deeds, August 6, 1888
i ..
Most of the fsmlly of Alexis and Martha lived not far froei their
*w?t '?.
paternal home. Martha would outlive . of 108 and one-half ye^rs.
Alncl* byjuny jturi, dying ac 'tha ig* r?|it?T .	s-t-y	:?
le, Lh
;	-(	..	r-^pon the
n the chain of direct line was born la 1817.	^	.
? !N	.	;?>>'
RoaeCecile, who Is In The extract froa the Mobile Cathedral fol
(BB 2, p. 152.)
i*e*;e?b?r 9, ?.r'M
On September 17, 1818, 1, Don Vincente Cenen, parish r priest of Our Lady of the Conception of Mobile, baptised and

Fayard 009
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