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McDonald introduced Emile J. Gex, local attorney for the L. & N. at Bay St. Louis, who in a touching speech lauded the fifty-four years of service and faithfulness of Agent John A. Green, speaking highly of Mr. Green as a citizen of Bay St. Louis and a fair and just representative of the L. & N. Railroad Company. He then presented Mr. Green with a large and handsome loving-cup engraved with his name and inlippreciation of his long service, the gift of his many friends in Bay St. Louis. Mr. Green in his cordial manner thanked Mr. Gex and his audience stating that he felt everyone present was just a member of his family.
Chairman McDonald stated that lie could not close without a few timely remarks from one of the oldest citizens who came to Bay St. Louis before there was a depot, fell off of the train and rolled in a sawdust pile. Joseph O. Mauffray was then called on and drew a number of laughs from the audience: also praised the L. & X. and its officers for bringing the division accountant and his force to Bay St. Louis, and for building the new depot. He stated the L. & \T. was for Bay St. Louis and that Bay St. Louis must be for the L. & N.
The affair ended just as the Pan-American rolled into the station at 10 :00 p. m.
Evansville Division Veterans
(I c-|r
. N TUESDAY evening, April I.,23, the Veterans? Club held a banquet at the Y. W. C. A. Evansville, Ind., which was the second social affair of the year. About one, hundred Veterans and friends were present.
,.:W. M. Lutz was the toastmaster of the evening and the invocation was made by,the .Local Chaplain, A. B. Tucker.	;
" The following program was thoroughly enjoyed by all present: Vocal Solos,. Miss Margaret Yourgens, ? (Miss Ada Muehlen-bein at piano) ; Baritone Solos, Wm.
.. -
. Agency for^e at Bay St. Louis. Sitting, left to right: Cyril Ladner, L. N. Spotorno, A. Green, agent; Oliver Sylvester and N. M. Dick. Standing:	J.	G.	Jones	and	J.
. Fabey. .	:	.
determined whether additional sleepers would be necessary.
Extensive plans are being made by the Mayor of the City of Biloxi and others to insure the Veterans and their friends an enjoyable day.
Ralston, (Leslie Sample at piano) : Readings, Gene Crisp: Duet and Solos, Misses Laura anil Helen McCurdy; Address, Dr.- Chas. W. Welch, system chaplain; Orchestra Selection ; Vocal Solos, Jack Oliver, (Mrs. Jas. Oliver at piano) ; Orchestra Selection; Violin Solo and Reading, Miss Maurine Bailey, (Mrs. S. W. Bailey at piano.)
Mr. Fish made special mention of the Annual Picnic which is to be held at Biloxi, Mississippi, on May 25, and suggested that those who wished to attend send in their reservations to Messrs. Lutz, Dupont and Fish in order that it could be
Superintendent?s Daughter Weds
The wedding of Miss Alice Glos-ter and Earl Van Bever took place at , St. Mary's Episcopal church. Middle sboro, Ky.. or. April 24. 1929. at big h noon.
The only attendants were Miss Ruth Kin-ser. of Etowah. Tenn., and G> Je Van Bever, of Pineville, Ky.
The bride was dressed in an ensemble of twilight blue trimmed in egg shell blonde. Miss Kinser's dress was of egg shell blonde.
Mrs. Van Bever is the daughter of A. B. Gloster. Superintendent of the Cumberland Valley Division. Before her marriage she was employed as stenographer in the office of the Division Accountant at Miri-dlesboro, Ky.
Mr. Van Bever is in the employment of the Standard Oil Company at Pineville, Kv., where the young couple will make their future home.
On Honor Roll
Walter Hickman Haggard, conductor on the Kentucky Division, has asked to be retired from active service with the Company.
Mr. Haggard is sixty-one yea.'s of age and has served the Company continuously since Aprii 15, 1S92. when he entered the service as a brakeman. He was promoted to the rank of freight conductor Tune 21, 1895. and on November 11, 1919. he was given a passenger run.
His retirement became effective March 15.
B. A. R. E. STAG The annual stag party of the Louisville Division No. 14S, Brotherhood Association of Railroad Employes, is scheduled for the Henry Clay Hotel, May 24, at about 8:30 p. m.. Conductor Herbert Jenkins announces. He says there will be some clever boxing matches, wrestling matches, etc., etc.
The L. & N. Employes' Magazine, May, 1929

Green, John A. 009
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