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5 sobs- JOEH MITECELL? 0SOAP. LiOMRP ??cl aiomE LUCIOSo OSCAR LEONARD nsvsr married- died at 3/3 yaars of aga in Aprils 22 9 19250 JO.HH MITCHELL, so'a of JOHN Jo CdHIAKT asd his wife,, BQU H0Ma CQIMAHT0 rca^rissd G3BTRUQ3 D? BIARD 0 ?P&sy taro two children- EMLIN and JOHH MILTOXIo GEORGE LUCHJS COLMANTj, son of JOM 3 ?. and muk ILMo 'GOJMmSs, mrriod *T2NHIE HQHKINSn They liave 3 children- VIRGINIA*, HOPKINS and G0 LUCIUS* CECILS AMELIA C0UmVS3 daughter of JOEN J0 COLiO'AHT end his 1st wlf?9 FLORIDA ELIZABETH MITCHELL C0LMAKTs married PAUL Milf GBEENEo They b.av? one darightex-s whom married LEMONT MAJOP.?- They have one sou, PAUL EARL GRBSfIB MAJOR, They have another son, 1AM0NT JR. FLORIDA ELIZABETH COLKANT5 daughter of JOHN Jo and Ills 1st -vife0 FLORIDA 3S? MITCHELL COLMANT; married WILLIM RI3HARD30W RAOTTT.'l5a They had 3 children LE03SSA, zom mmms =aad fflLLIAM BIGE4RD6CBI. LEOHOM narried (OT EHILLIPSo J, CQLMMT isn?t married* tflLLIAH R, isn?t marriadj, b<r;h of them young boys hot? a MATTI22 M"TGH?LL - DUCHESS de ROCHEIfORCAULD O? England., Kinsmen oi fcfee MITCHELL femilyo Copied from hi story 0 Letter from Aunt HJSIA L0Y2GS BRIGKys to my Father5s ?ifllrar JUXIA KTV.-'O.tsll BRIGHT I. arrange ,?> Ga ? ^ aly 1st?A IS 70 Dear Julia: You. asked ibs to tell you somsiiiing of year anc-eut:^, My Mothar?s family the L37I2?S? ^sra of Londons England* H*?r rather was GEORGE LOTICX a:ad Ms Ja&wr was CQLO.TJSL rmU3 LOVICK and Ms Fathe ? ?<?a3 LORD 2DWAHD LOVICK o:? t&3 Busrottgli Soufjh.vnrk Surry 03o, Ingland ? COLONEL THOMAS LOVICK cane to Ara-arica in ?soranand of En^liLvh srovjpa and n-3 3 appointed in command of tho troops of the Colony '.if Virginia; his aon,, GEORGE PHJKIIEY LOVICK was Bent hack to England t';i be educatedo LORD THOMASf wife was LADY ELISABETH PEIN!-!EYC as she tune him from England, When his ocn3 GEORGE LOVICK2 cams heck to Ab* oriefcs he
Mitchell Emma-Hamlin-Mitchell-Colmant's-Genealogy-on-her-Mother's-Side-08