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Folder 19. Folder 21. Folder 22. Folder 23. Folder 24. Folder 25. Folder 26. Folder 27. D?Antoni, Salvador, Residence, 7929 Freret, New Orleans, LA. 1917. E.F. Sporl, architect. Pencil and ink on tracing paper; ink on tracing linen; hectograph; blueprints. 124 sheets. Zemurray, Samuel, Residence, Alterations, 2 Audubon Place, New Orleans, LA. 1917. E.F. Sporl, architect. Ink and pencil on tracing paper; ink on tracing linen; blueprints. 24 sheets. ' ? New York Waist House, 829 Canal, New Orleans, LA. Ca. 1918-1919. E.F. Sporl, architect. Ink on tracitig linen; pencil on tracing paper. 12 sheets. \ Hughes, Edmund, Residence, 2503 General Taylor, New* Orleans, LA. Ca.1918-1919. E.F. Sporl, architect. Sbik bn tracing linen. 3 sheets. Streckfiis Steamboat Company, Ticket Office; Cana! Street, New Orleans, LA. Ca.1918-1919. E.F. Sporl, architect, ilk on tracing linen. 1 sheet. N. Rampart, 308-314, Proposed Alterations, fcfew Orleans, LA. 1919. E.F. Sporl, architect. Pencil on tracing paper; ink on tracing linen. 5 sheets. St. Joseph, 527-531, Alterations, New Orfca^s, LA. 190. E.F. Sporl, architect. Ink and pencil on tracing paper. 1,1 sheets. :V Bienville, 1025-1027, Alterations, New G^lsatns, LA. 1$19. E.F. Sporl, architect. Pencil on tracing paper. 7 sheets, ig f Middleton, Joseph, Residence, Alteration^, 2115-2117 State, New Orleans, LA. 1919. E.^. Sporl, architect. Ink apt tipping linen|$)encil on tracing paper. 6 sheets. V ? ;V v x Wisner, J.N., Greenhouse, Bay St. Louis,friSk.' 1919. E|f. Sporl, architect. ^Pencil'on tracing paper. 1 sheet. 4 .J^ j S. Rampart, 734-736, Alterations, New Q?le$||s, LA. 1$}9. E.F. Sporl, architect. Pencil on tracing paper; blueprints5 $|ee|s. fl Adams Motor Company, Government Strtjet,%lobile, At. 1921. E.F. Sporl, architect. Ink on tracing linen. 1 ?|sl$?pts.-? f Robert, 2707, Residence, New Orleans, LA. |1920. E.F* Sporl, architect. Pencil and ink on tracing paper; ink on teiciftg linen. 23; sheets. & ^ 5 Gex, Walter J., Residence, Alterations, Bfjy L0uis, M|>. Ca.l92l. tE.F. Sporl, architect. Irik on tracing linen; petfcilbn facing|iaper. 6 sheets. *. & D?Antoni, Biaggio S., Residence, 6 Newcomb Blvd., New Orleans, LA. Ca.1922-1923. E.F. Sporl, architect. Ink on tracing linen. 10 shieets. r '?> J. :> Bologna, Antonio, Residence, 1764 N. Broad, New Orleans, LA. Ca.1922-1923. E.F. Sporl, architect. Pencil on tracing paper. 6 sheets. Graham, Thomas P., Bam/Garage, Long Bea?h, MS. C&1922-1923. E.F. Sporl,
Sporl, Edward 009