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? ? ! I ? I ill \ I'llll .11 . < . . .March 22nd. Admission will lie ten cents. .Mrs. Ashcraft is officially in charge and tickcts may be obtained from high school pupils. Hav^ a Free Demonstration Singer Electric Sewing Machine. Phone :i70-J. I,. B. Capdepon. .Mrs. H. U. Canty, cluli woman and community welfare worker, has been on the sick list the past several days, a victim of the passing light epidemic of flu. Mrs. Winfield Pa1' t ridge took her place as pianist at Rotary club luncheon Wednesday noon. ? Mr. and .Mrs. Harold l?>. Weston arc the recipients of a brand new daughter, whose arrival dates since Wednesday noon, at King?s Daughters? Hospital, at Gulfport. Mrs. W eston, before her marriage, was Miss Susie Briggs, and paternal grandparents of the baby are Mr. and Mis. .John Weston, of Logtown. Tailored to measure Men?s Suits. International line. They are distinc-tice. ? Hay Mercantile Co.. on the beach at railroad crossing. ? Contractor A. B. Day has in course of construction for Mrs. F. (?. liordages. Sr.. a six-room stucco house, on her lot adjoining the A. & G. Theater, and which promises to he one of the modern and more attractive buildings of the city. Mrs. Bor-dages and family plan to make the place their home. Ladies? Spring Wash Dresses /or street or house wear. ? Hay Mercantile Co., on the beach at railroad crossing. ? Mr. and Mrs. John Osoinach have returned home from Memphis, Term., where they spent several weeks visiting at the home of their son, Mr. A. J. Osoinach, and family, at their attractive home in Peach street. On their way home by way of New Orleans they spent a few days visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ballard. ????Tailored to measure Men?s Suits. International line. They are distinctive.?1?ay Mercantile Co., on the beach at railroad crossing. ? Mrs. Finest W. Drackett spent Monday in New Orleans, where Mr. Drackett has been spending the past two weeks preparatory to inaugurating ferry services, head of Oak street and Carrollton. Mr. and Mrs. Drackett have located a dwelling and! soon the family will move to their new and future home, followed by solicitous consideration of the many friends they have during their seven years of residence in Bay St. Louis. c/L CSl> G. Theater^ Friday, March 16th. Ken Meynard in ?GUN GOSPEL.? ?' .?? i" I I M I ....... cit a 1 in I?.ay St. Louis. Resolutions By City of Bay State of Mississippi, ( onnty of IIancock, City of Hay St. Lou is. Whereas, last night, larch Sth. III2N, the depot of the 1 ouisville & Nashville Railroad Company in this c ity was totally destroyed by fire at a great loss to the Railroad company ami the public, and. Whereas, the l.oui. \ille Nashville Railroad company has been very active in the City of Hay St Louis, specially in beautifying its depot and depot grounds and that said depot and grounds were arranged, beautifully and artistically, and a pride to the people of our city, and, Whi.-reas, the Commissioners of the City of Hay St. Louis, which, to make known to the Railroad company our sorrow for their loss and to offer them all aid possible in re-establishing a depot that will adequately care for the public and house all of the employees of^the Railroad company, including all of those employees who are connected with th< auditing department and other departments, and, Whereas, it is the desire of the people of the city of Bay St. Louis and the city administration to urge the Railroad company :o do all in their power to restore said building and retain all of the employees they had in said building at the time of its dcst ruction. Therefore, be it resolved that the Commissioners of the city of Bay St. Louis do hereby express their sorrow to the Railroad company for their loss and tender them our active services, support and co-operation to re-establish and restore a building or buildings for the depot of the city of Bay St. Louis that will be as modern and as beautiful as the one destroyed and request the officers of the Railroad company to keep and maintain all of the employees and officers in the city of Hay St. Louis that were here at the time of the fire. Be it further resolved that copies of these resolutions be sent to Mr. John Bose, superintendent of the division, New Orleans, Louisiana, and to Mr. G. B. Reeves, manager of the auditing department; of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company at Louisville, Kentucky. Pas-? 1 n this, the 11 >i day I March, 1!)2K. CMAS. TRAUB, SR., Mayor. F. H. EGLOFF, Com. SYLVAN J. LADNER, Com. B. Y. P. U. Play Success. The two playlets given by the members of the local B. Y. P. U. were well presented and very enthu->,v Inrre nttond- Kingslt*^ limine iiu.? .......... Red Devils are now fit for the ( cago tournament, Wednesday, Ma 21, 1!)2H. Our team leaves n Monday and goes straight to Chic; They have been practicing hard last two weeks and have been ste ly improving so we feel that they give a good account of themsel The bazaar to raise money for trip will be held Sunday. March in the college auditorium. Iv loyal supporter is invited to help ; the 1!)2K Rockachaws to Chic Plans for this ba/.aar were com ed during the early part of last u With the departure of the 1 for ("licago the basketball seasi virtually ended. This causes the who have friends among the fait much sorrow as their chances of ing on the girls during the game now over. They hope that the are sorry also. This year, track men have a amount of competition because marvels have cropped up from I cr Regis? track stars. Some-burned the cinder path in the yard dash, others have proven mettle in the distance run, th< vault, or the weights. Unless have a wonderful excuse, one a have a fervent desire to be or for track. Maybe this is a pur of the sport, but Brother R? certainly a restorer of energy it boys who have played truant : The last week saw the oh turned over to the auditing i ment of the Louisville & N;: railroad, until the Monday af bazaar, when they will move . the new gvm. The college be not inconvenienced by the n ers in the least, and their qui cient way of working is an tion to many of us. Kingsley vs. Stanislaus First game: The Kingsley cagers met th slaus Rockachaws here S night, March 10th, for the fi two-game series. The final of the series was an even hr college winnin gSunday am ley winning Saturday. The doors were thrown o| o?clock to the public and i carge or no charge, the gym about as full as possible. T no admission to these game: simple reason that they wt complimentary to all basket and especially to those who : to support the Rockachaw te ing to Chicago, where they in the annual basket ball toi Saturday night?s game prove victorious for, the h as was expected. Kingsley \ ing and making almost?Ltv every three from almost ar the court, between center a ly beneath the basket. L just seemed to be on the vi from start to finish. Qu substitutions were made teams. Kingsley excelled it
Traub, Capt Charles 009