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11* A^*2l97U. **r B a y CITY OF s'- a i n it L o i i s MISSISSIPPI COMMISSION GOVERNMENT OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CITY CLERK Mr. Ray Sanders 717 Robert E. Lee Building Jackeon, Mississippi 39201. Dear Mr. Sanders: As you know, the JCity of Bay St. Louis is planning the construction of a marina and recreational project at a location knownas the American Legion pier in the Washington Street Area. The residents of that area are strenuously objecting to such,a project, and have hired the services of an attorney to represent then. This group feels that a logical location would be in the area of the old business section of the city which is known as the Main Street area. ... As I explained to you during our telephone conversation this morning. I did suggest to the city council that a requeat be made to the Oulf Regional Planning Commission for a study to determine which location would serve as best for the community. The CoMmlssloners, however, did not go along with that suggestion. I feel that should we reach the point where funding by the Bureau of Outdoor Reoreation is applied for that the Bureau will certainly not look with favor upon a project where much controversy 1? Involved. For that reason, I am asking if you might have any suggestion to offer that might help us resolve the problem that has arisen. Very sincerely, Warren Carver, Mayor. MOBILE
American Legion Pier 081