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Died on Friday, August20,18S6, MORGAN MYLES, son of Joseph and Ju la Myles, .aged 22 years.
The death of this estimable young man has left a yold in the family circle which the wants of time cannot fill, and the flowers which will blooto over his grave will be emblematic of his young manhood, which bloomed but for a short season In life?s calendar and was then blighted by the hand of ?Jdeath, which cast a dark shadow over the household of those-who loved him and now mourn his untimely death, and wrho have the sympathy of the community in w7hlch he .lived. May the great Ruler of the universe, 'who holds the destiny of mankind in His hands and who doeth all things well, comfort tjiem In their dark hour of trial and sad fcereavement.	BALDWIN,
IvSBaldwln County, Ala., August 24,188G.

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