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i D’S FAIR ite. 1 EartJ). is with Dining Car, WGQ. md Keokuk. it, Mackinaw, the st. Get on Board. ). WOODFORD, Pres’t & Gen’l Mgr. BAY ST. LOUIS. -D, \rt DEOler, ’LIES, rRE I FbMIES, loods, JIALTY. r Orleans. Ioast Illustrated. ” CRESCENT HOTEL, BAY ST. LOUIS, MISS. JOHN V. TOULME, Proprietor. John leland Henderson, GENERAL LAND AGENT. Proprietor and Compiler of Only Set — OF — ABSTRACTS Of Hancock County, Complete to CURRENT DATE. Abstracts Made, Lands Sold, Taxes Paid. Etc. The Court House, Bay St. Louis, - Miss. PASS CHRISTIAN. Hanson’s Cough Syrup For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, Sore Throat, Influenza, Bronchitis,, and all Diseases of Throat and Lungs. This is not an Indian Cure, nor is it a French, German or English remedy, but purely a home preparation, a combination of expectorants, sedatives and stimulatives that have been before the medical profession for years but is so combined as to make it one of the finest cough remedies in the world. TESTIMONIALS. Chicago, April 10,1892. Mr. Hanson, Dear Sir:—Please send me two 50c bottles of^’otu* Cough .Syrup by express C. O. 1J., to my address Mary E. Wright, 4812 Lake Ave., Chicago, ill. 0045 Edgerton Ave., Chicago, 111. J. Edward Hanson, Pass Christian, Miss., Dear Sir:—Please send by express immediately two bottles of your Cough Svrup. Never used anything so beneficial. Mrs. L. I>. Cortright. Chicago, Aug. 29, 1892. Mr. Edward Hanson, [>ear Sir:—Yours of July 20th received. The Cough Syrup sent to me last April was received in good order, also twe bottles ordered by me at Spring Hill, Ala., sometime in February. I first learned of the medicine at the Mexican Gulf Hotel, where some guest recommended it. In my case the efficacy of the Cough Syrnp was truly wonderful and I cheerfully recommend it to any one suffering from severe cold or bronchial trouble of any kind. Very truly, Mary E. Wright. En Route, April U, 1892. Mr. Hanson:—Please send to Mr. Wm. Jenkins, at No 282J La Salle Street, Chicago, 111., two bottles of your cough mixture, C. O. I)., and oblige, Mrs. J. H. Walker. Home Testimonials. As these would take up most of the town of Pass Christian and vicinity, I will only refer to the following named residents of Pass Christian: “We, the undersigned residents of Pass Christian, are pleased to state that one bottle of HAN sONrS COUGH SYRUP had the desired effect of curing a most distressing cough and cold and we recommend it to those similarly affected. Very respectfully H. T. Blake, L. H. Cnamplin, W. L. May, F. Sutter, J. N. liell, li. McIntosh, N’ Bohn, F. Bielehburg. Prof. Leon, Proprietor of Leon’s Family Bitters, says: that Mr. Ilanson can defy the world to produce its equal for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, etc. I have personally tried it in my practice, and it gives greater satisfaction than any thing I ever used, and I cheerfully recommend HANSON’S COL'GH sYKUP as one of the best Cough Syrups in the world. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY J. EDWARD HANSON, Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacist, PASS CHRISTIAN, MISS. \
Mexican Gulf Coast The Mexican Gulf Coast on Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound - Illustrated (84)