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48, REVISED ORDINANCES. * 3. To address any abusive or insulting language to’another. 4., To keep a disorderly house, "by making,, causing or allowing to be made therein, loud or improper noises, or by collecting-therein drunken, noisy and.disorderly persons: v 5. To employ any device, noise or performance tending to , the collection of persons on the streets or at the public places,to the obstruction of the.same’ or to ■exhibit wttho’ut a special,per-, mit from the Mayor, an^ tJicks of ledgerdemain, or .other de-, vices 'of like kind. ! - * !■;>: 6. To willfully give or nlake, or cause to be given qr^nade a* Vjjf1 false alarm of fire. . , . t # ' ' ' ARTICLE III.—Offenses Affecting Public ’Safety*- .A : * '• * • Sec. .67*. It\shall b$ unlawful to do or cause tp be done, any of .the following acts; and any person convicted'ther-eof shall be fined not more than fifty dollars, pr imprisoned not exceeding' =5 thirty,days, or both, at the’di'scretion of the Mayor*. * . 1. *To* ride on horseback, or to drive any. vehicle along the- > streets qf the city, at any gait faster than a common trot, or pace,. ; v! or slo\v gallop. * ■ ■ ’ 2.1*- To becornb intoxicated, or to go to sleep while driving, or in charge of any1 vehicle on tjie streets. •■3. _ To drive.through \he*streets in a careless or recliles^"man-; ’ ner. -' ' ^ • 4.. , To throw ix\issiles, discharge fireworks, or do any act or ! make (iny iioke likely, ;to" frighten horses or alarm or. injure per- ““".,*sons, or impede the-fr^e! passage of vehicles r\nd foo'tmen along the streets.„ . .. (t . ■* ^ ■' ' ^'■r 5; -To suffer any sidewalk in frontof on'^s premises to become, or continue so broken as to endanger life or limb, or to permit any excavation,.lo remain open and uncovered, to the-danger of' others/ 4 , * , - ■ ^ 6. To leave standing any*fence or^wall, building'or awning,' owned by him or them, which shalfc be dangerous to,passers by,, after twelve hours notice to remove the same. • ; ' * ^ ' t ' v-' ' ,V' ' ' * •' > ARTICLE IV.-^-Offenses ^ffecting^Pubuc Property, - t Sec. ,68. It shall be unlawful tq do Pr cause' to’,be.done, any of the following acts; and any*person convicted thereof shall be t.fined not. more than fifty* dblfars, or imprisoned not1 exceeding ‘‘-thirty days, or both, at. th<;'discretion of the Mayor " > 1. To’break down, destroy/injure or remove, any tree or,any' , ‘ of the b"oxes enclosing thie»samef*on .any street pr public square.. ' .' 2. Ta-fasten or. hitch any horse or other animal to any sign, t. lamp-pbst, aWning-pcist,.shade tree or box inclosing such tree, onr-, or near the 'bahquetto or side* walks, or any streets, so'as to in-' terrupt tlve free passage along the same; or to ride, on horseback'.; IN tfKLATIOI* 'JfO NUISANCES. '49 4 , or drive any vehiple*on any of the banquettes, or sidewalks in the ; , city.. .• * j5. To sink,'alter or cut any street or public square, or remove i—-- therefrom, or deposit therein, any dirt>iubbish of other material, < without permission f^pm the Mayor and Aldermen ; but any per* son while erecting or repairing any building fronting on any street, • . may use so mudh of such street or public way, as shall not ex-' J ceed the front of the lot on which such building.or repairs are to be made, and pne-half of the width of such street; Provided, That said dirt, rubbish or building material, may. at any time be removed ljy order of the Mayor and Aldermen at the expense of . the builder. ' • , g 4.. To throw or deposit any.shavings, straw, brush,-pr other, „ (. thing likely tq \>e set on fire, at or near : the* wall or fence of . a’a^ dwelling house, storehouse, business house,or out-house. 5; To place-or deposit upon the streets, banquettes or side '• walks,jany lumber, bricks,-fire wood,4 postsf boxes, barrels, or ' any other* thing calculated to injufe, obstruct' or deface said . streets, banquettes ot side walks, except when receiving and" forwarding goods, wares, merchandise dr ether ■ things, and Jhen ’.only for twelve hours at a-time.- * * *■ [ , " > * -< * ARTICLE V.—Nuisances. ' * v . Sec. 69. It shjill be unlawful to do or cause to Ije done, any of / the following acts;, and any person ^convicted thereof shall be, fined not more than fifty dollars, or be imprisoned no^exceeding, , thirty days, or both;, at-the discretion of the Mayor: .1. To erect a jakes or any. placfe where the.sJime shalp be offensive to persons, or to p'ersqns passing along the stre^e^or .•highways. . . . . "••**' '■ , ..-li?* ''' y 3. To keep a slaughter house or butqherypeq wh^rej{beev?s or*’ , other animals are slaughtered, without a,special pernpit from' the- f .board of Mayor and Aldermen,,' ; ' '3,. 'To throw any stones, ’sticks, 'branches of. -trees,';scrapa.'pf.:. leather,-tin, glass or glass bottles, scraps frois kitchens, ,'eook-At.' ■ ■houses or eating houses', or any offal/filth or trash v^hs,tev^r, 'fin* •' ■» ■ or upon,any street, banquette or side walk, or-public plate, pr oh^ j,' ■* the pi'operty of'others, or into a<fy qul verts'or gutters. >• y 4, To disturb the quietudeyof the c|ty by boisterous and. wah'-v-' , '^ ton or maliciotis knocking at or near.thq door,or window of-any residence, store house or bu^ness lipuse j -or-to.cast into thfrgaH.y leries, -dodrs or windows of 'the '‘same; ;any. stick, stpne, bat Qr,^| other missile, or to place in-, on or near.,; the same- any offensive matter; .or to p]ace any obstruction**before jhe. same, or in jipy 'stree^or-io- wantonly soil with mud,.p»inf, ink ;or otjier^ub^t^'v r, window^'wall, fence or awping, o* tp."tear,^'^a stance,'.any sign, door, pull down, break, er deface the Same.. <- , ..^3- . 5. ,To fail to keep the banquettes’pr:side- walks •'m. frept .pft' ^i^'.
BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(23)