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one’s residence or place of business clear and free from all trash, dirt, slush or slops ; or to at all times keep the space in front of ^the lands, lots or house, owned or occupied by him, her or f -them of one hundred feet, if fronting on the sea, or across the street if any other part of the city, clear of weeds or filth and any, or all obstructions whatsoever.
6.	To throw or put into any street or public place, or on the < property of others, any dead animal, or to fail to remove without
the city limits, or otherwise dispose of the carcass of any dead animal owned by him, her or them, after five hours notice by the Street Commffesioner.
7.	• To hold an auction sale on any street, so as to impede the Vfree passage of the public.
8.	To leave any locomotive or car across any of the streets so
,y as to impede travel for a longer period than five minutes.	*
<	,	9.	For any person or persons to build any house, or put up
any shanties or hut, or erect any tents of	any	kind on the edge
of the bank in front'of said city, between	the	road or street and
the sea, without a special permit from the board of Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Bay St. Louis, except such as are known and designated as summer houses, for shade, only; any house . built, or shanties or huts put up, or tents erected without such \> \ permission, ^ shall be declared a nuisance and shall be abated,
V	V	»	ks such ; ’ and every day’s continuance shall	constitute a sep-
V	0"	eljtte a°d newoffense, and in addition to	the	penalty for violat-
J* ,tag this ordinance, such buildings, shanties, huts or tents, shall be
yVenioved by order of the board of Mayor and Aldermen at rnJ his, her or their expense.
J1	ARTICLE	VI.—Miscellaneous. •
• ^ •
Sec. 70. It shall be unlawful to do or cause \ojbe done, any of (	the following acts; and any person convicted thereof shall be
fined not more than fifty dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, at the discretion af the Mayor:
i; ‘To be found prowling about the property or premises of •others without being able to give a good account of one’s self,
2.	To sell or dispose of, or to offer tO/sell or dispose of, any unsound or impure meat, fish or crabs, or any impure, unwholesome, adulterated or diluted milk.
^	3. To deface, tear down or destroy any ordinance, notice or
public advertisement that may be put up by the authority of the Mayor and Aldermen, private persons.
—	4. To jump or catch on to any or all railroad trains while in motion ; or to board any of said trains while standing at the depot, not being a passenger or having business thereon. ,
5.	No awning or shed shall be erected fronting any street so as to obstruct the banquette or side walk, or in any wise by insecurity or fault in the construction thereof, to endanger the lives or
limbs of persons passing under it; nor shall any sign-board be erected less than eight feet from the ground or pavement, nor be so erected as in any mjnner to obstruct the same.
6.	Parents and guardians shall in all cases be held answerable ■ forjany.violation of the city ordinances by their children or wards,► and be liable for the payment of all fines and costs; * Provided, That the Mayor shall have power to commute the same for personal chastisement to be inflicted by parent or guardian. ^	"
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Coaches, Cj\bs, Carriages and Omnibuse?. ’
Sec. 71. Every person desiring to” drive for hire or pubHir'-^-^f use, any coach, cab, carriage, or omnibus within the 'limits of^,,* V’ the city, shall first procure a license so to do, which license shall be signed by) the Secretary and the’ seal of* the cify	<v
affixed thereto. And it shall be his, her or their duty to have the number of such license painted in figures on theV ,'i lamps,, or on the left side • of such coach, cab, carriage or ^ •omnibus in a conspicuous manner. And it shall,, further be his, her or thei^ duty to have or provide lamps for such coach, ;	■
cab, carriage ot* omnibjis, and the said lamp shall be lighted every %	Y	i.	*
' -evening at dusk, so long as such cab, coach,- carriage or omnibus ■may remain On the streets.	<>
ARTICLE II.—Wagons, Drays and Carts. . -
f • -Sec. 72. Every person desiring to drive for hire or public use, any wagon, dray, cajt or other vehicles within the limits of the city, shall first procure a license so to do,- which license shall be signed by the Secretary, and the seal'of the city affixed ^thereto. And it shall be his, her or their duty to*have the number of said license painted on tin or other 'material, in figures not less'than two inches long, and fastened in a conspicuous place on the left side of such wagon, dray, cart or other vehicle.	■ ' *
Sec. 73. Every persoft who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance fined for each offense not -more than fifty dollars.	■
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BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(24)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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