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52 RKV.ISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER VII. IN RELATION TO THE BANK, BANQUETTES 08 SIDEWALKS* ♦ ARTICLE.1^.—Bank. Seo. 74. * That the owners or tenants of the lands or lots, lying in or along the line of the Bay of St. Louis, in front of the city, shall at all times keep the bank immediately in front of his, her or their property, constantly in good and proper repair and prevent the same from caving or falling, or being washefl away by rains, etc. ARTICLE II—Banquettes or Sidewalks. Sec. 75. It shall be the duty of the owners of lots or property fronting the sea to construct along the outer edge of the bank immediately in front of the entire extent of such lot or premises, a safe and suitable banquette or sidewalk, at least six feet wide, the same to be made of clay or other proper material, so as to make a good and firm walk, properly supported and protected. Sec. 76. It shall further be the duty of the owners of lots or property fronting the sea, or fronting or abutting any sidewalk to , at all times keep the banquette or sidewalk .along the entire extent of such lot or premises in good repair, so that foot passengers may safely and cpnveniently pass thereon dryshood; and no part of such banquette or sidewalk shall be taken for private use in any manner, or be obstructed in any way. ‘ ’’ Sec. 77. Any owner of lots or property refusing or neglecting to comply with the provisions of this ordinance of whatever it shall be necessary for him, her or them to do,- after having been notified by the Street Commissioner, whose duty it shall* be to give the owner of such lot or property fifteen day’s notice of the repairing of the bank or to making and keeping in repair the banquette or sidewalk in front of his, tier or their lots or property, as t the case may be; and if at the expiration of said fifteen days after having been so notified, still refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, the Street Commissioner shall report the facts to the Mayor and Aldermen at their next/neeting, who shall, by ordinance, prescribe Jhe manner, dimensions and materials in which such.owner or tenant shall do, or have done such work, and a reasonable time in which he shall commence and complete the same; and in case of his or their refusal to comply therewith, that the Street Commissioner rhall have the work done at his, her or their cost and expense,1 which said ordinance shall be served on the owner-if practicable, or tfn his agent or tenant, by service of a copy, by the City Marshal, or if neither can be found, by posting such copy on the front door or gate, or front fence, on such lot or premises, five days before the Street Commissioner shall commence to do such work. In case the Street Commissioner shall do such work, he shall make a report of the OYSTER HOUSES—ANIMALS. " 53 , expenses thereof, to the next meeting thereafter of said Board, v which amount so expended shall be by suit in the name of the city recovered with costs before any court having jurisdiction. ------C------- 1 ♦ CHAPTER VIII. * v. * In Relation to Otsteb Houses, Sec. 78. All keepers of oyster-houses who do not choose to fypay the license of eight dollars, as required by the ordinance of the city regulating privilege taxes, shall every morning place all shells that may have accumulated in their respective establishments in barrels pn the street opposite their stands ready for removal by the city carts. Sec. 79. They shall nptwithstanding the payment of said license place their shells in barrels in front of their respective establishments, and said oyster shells shall be removed by the owner of the same, in the months of July, August and September every •day, and in all other months every third day to some place where they will not be offensive. No person shall be permitted to throw oyster shells over the bank in front of the city, above high-water mark in the months of June, July, August and September in each .year. Sec. 80. Any keeper of any oyster house failing to pay said license or to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, shall be fined for each offense not more than twenty dollars, at the discretion of the Mayor, and it shall be the especial duty -of the Street Commissioner to see that this ordinance ig.strictly complied with. CHAPTER IX. In Relation to Dogs, Vicious Animals, Hogs and Goats. ARTICLE I—Dogs. ’ V •' ' i • Sec. 81. Every-owner or person keeping any dog or dogs shall not permit them to run at large within the limits of the city, and if found by the Marshal running loose or at large in any public place in said city, shall be by the Marshal taken up and impounded as other animals under the circumstances, and shall as’ soon as practicable give notice thereof to the owner of such dog, if known, unless the expenses of impounding and keeping such' dog, and a fine of one dollar, are paid to such Marshal in three days after such dog is impounded, such dog shall be by the Marshal; destroyed. ’ , Sec. 82. All dogs found running'at large between the first
BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(25a)