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Ci Ul ( )<■ y
biconical r-ruovcd, 45 (.o.V:). Thls ' c t;’o :\.ct n--rr.o;-.-; :s ty e
im the objects from thiz site. 5 sro cr.all, rar:r*i r.-“3 fro:.; 3	4	cm.	In
length and diameter. The remainder* vary from 4 .°> to 6.1 cr., in lenrth and	from 4.5 to 7.5	cm.	in diameter.	34 of	tnis	type .nave	4 grooves
across the carina, 6 hove 3 rroovos,	4	have	only	2 opposed	grooves, ar.d	1
nas	a groove across	the	face of o cone	with	a perccr.diculsr groove across
the	carina (r’iy.	).
Spheroidal, 4 (2.53'1>). Those are small, smooth balls, 3.5 to 4 cr.. in diameter.
Spheroidal, r>- rforat';d, 1 (0.'54 ;). T'nj z ooject, 4.4—' .5 cr.. in diameter, hss a ~>crforat Von wn'. on ’ s 3.5 rrr. in diameter.
Spheroidal, rouyhe.ned, -or’orated, 3 (1.c- 3 1) . • These calls ere about the	same size, 4.2 tc. 4.7 or.	in diameters, v;ith	sln~le ;.orf ora-cior.s wh*.eh
are	5 to 9 mm. in diameters.	The surfaces ar*s rourhened, r.ut	by d'mpiiny,
but by irregular nar.'ow one snellow, often curvlny, grooves, (Fir.	).
Possibly they had shallow cool -roove: wh'.cn were ■; ir.tcrted v/hlle y-unchir-the holes through the centers. They ar: a I no distinctive in -hat made of buff colored clay, not sc-ndy es all ether oh." -cts are zz ■
Cylindrical, nor'’crated ( fr?. nr.en.'sry) , 1 (0. -i4 ;). Tnls o;;e most or’ on1) end^ irr-&-. a snort se~ment of « cylind^-i-**®^-;—■ •>»> in diameter. The perforation is lonyit and Is 4 :vn. in nla-recer. It seems to be well made, with smooth surfaces, a reyular curvature ar.d nicely flattened end foruin * a sharp	OOVo ar.s;le with the	sides.
Irregularly cuboidal, decorated, 1 (0.54;o).	This object	has somewhat
irregular sides, cuboidal or rectan^uloid in shape, with one face well flattened and covered with 10 parallel incisions or shallow grooves, closely spaced. The object is 3.5 to 4.5 cm. in its various dimensions, i = cprite firm and steady. It conceivably com'q have been used es s wnetsto"e.
2	bone pins or ewls name from tnis zone.
* —

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