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An ode to Hugh Lee:
'* Wait^ Minute » Gong by Cathy Brown"
Walt a Minute! !
Said the sign on the door
Only, "Wait a Minute!" - NOTHING MORE
Surprised and puzzled,
I waited a minute or two As the big bold sign said do
Soon, the door opened,
To the old man I said
"What means the sign I've just read?"
"In this bot weather,"
He was quick to reply
"I wear few clothes, that's why."
"To get »ny clothes on
Takes a minute or more
When you come rapping on my door."
Tho he lived alone
Everything 1n the place
Was "neat and clean, 1n Its proper spac*
The old man active at 89
In all his manners and ways
Was reminiscent of the good old days.
HCHS 976 _ 330
The old time flowers 1n the yard
Told of oldsters who'd worked hard.
Cut and split as 1n 19Q0 On the porch stacked high Was the winter's wood supply
The front picket fence Now long out of date Was as 1t was 1n 1^08.
The old time log house
Built by the owner 1n 1910	(
Was clean and neat as the 'proverbial pin'
The old split rail field fence
that surrounded the farm
Now has wlro to protect from harm.
To see how people lived In the long ago
This 1s the place to go and show
i say, "wait /» MiNirrn"
Remember the old daces
And look back occasionally to the 1898s.
■ .V--

Gainesville Wait-a-Minute---Song
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Hancock County Historical Society
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