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bt'ATll OK PlfclKKli FAYAKD
Veteran Cavalryman, Stock Rreeder and Patriot, I'asi>es
Leaving Three Scurdy GciiuraUonb Co Mourn the Los?s of Remarkable Citizen
Pierre	Fayard died	last Sunday at hay St.	Louis. He	was born
July 25, 1820, He waa a prominent stock raiser for	many year*	unuil
recently, when he retired from any active business. He was a mamber of the Confederate cavalry and rode a horse raised on the farm, which proved to be one	of the beat	in the service. After	the war he	returned
to Bay St. Louis	and resumed	the business of cattle	raising.
Vr. Fayard had never been sick in his life up to a few month* before his death* and he posseted all of liis teeth and was famous for his strength and energy. He was a man of genial disposition and very popular. Mr. Fayard leaves a wife, who was Miss Estelle Favre, of Bay St. Louis, who is B8 years old. He also leaveu aix sous and two daughters, all of whom are married and live in their own homes; sixty grandchildren and twenty-five great-grandchildren.
Mr. Fayard was known throughout Hancock County, and loved by all who knew him. He was a staunch friend, a good Christian, and a true patriot.
The remain* were interred in the family burying ground, fonnerly owned by his father-in-law, Francois Favre, and the funeral was one of the largest ever held in Hancock County.
Daily Picayune
p. 5c2	Submitted by: Brother Lepre
Anyone having information concerning Pierre Fayard?s lineage, please contact the editor, Julia Guice.

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