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A historical treatise like this would not he complete without imparting to absent members the proceedings of the five family reunions of the The most effective way to do this is to reproduce the articles written for the county papers just after each meeting. The reports of the reunions of 1900, 1901, and 19015 were written for the Bedford County Times by ilrs. Chris. II. Shoffner, while those for 190:2 and 1904 were written by her for this publication.
For the last five or six months three young men? Claude W. Shofner, of ilulberry, 'I?enn.; Sam. Shofner. of Nashville, 'I?enn.; and Alden Shofner, of Flat Creek, 'I?enn.?have been agitating the question of having a ? Shofner Reunion.? At first they met with very little encouragement, as many of the relatives did not grasp the full meaning; while others who did were indifferent and said it was too big an undertaking, and they predicted a failure. Nevertheless, these young men kept talking it up here and there, as they chanced to meet some one of this family, until they succeeded in getting a sufficient number interested so as to consider a tim" and place of meeting. They finally decided to hold th<> reunion on September o-7, as it was more of an idle

Shofner, John and Descendants 089
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