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The Commission shall adhere to and seek compatibility of structures in the district in terms of size, texture, scale, and site plan	and	in so doing, the following guidelines shall	be
considered	by	the Commission in passing upon applications	for a
Certificate of Appropriateness:
A.	For new construction:
(1)	All new construction shall be visually compatible with the buildings and environment with which they are related.
(2)	The design, scale, gross volume, arrangement, site plan, texture, material and exterior architectural features of new construction shall be in harmony with its surroundings and shall not impair the "tout ensemble" of the neighborhood.
(3)	No one srchitectural style shall be imposed.
(4)	Quality and excellence in design should be major determinants.
B.	For exterior alterations:
(1)	All exterior alterations to a building shall be compatible with the building itself and other buildings with which it is related, as provided A(2) above and in applying these standards the original design of the building may be considered
(2)	Exterior alterations shall not affect the architectural character or historic quality of the building.
(3)	Contemporary innovations in construction, i.e., prefab metal construction can be acceptable provided the architectural style of the building and the exterior facade is harmonious with the historical preservation and development district/ site.
C.	For signs:
(1)	The scale and design of any sign should be compatible with the buildings and environment with which it is related.
(2)	The materials, style, and patterns used in any sign should be compatible with the buildings and environment with which it is related.
(3)	The Commission will set a standard for all signs
t o m e e t.	'
D.	Demolition:
In considering an application for the demolition of a
landmark or a building in an historic district, the
following shall be considered:
(1)	The historic or architectural significance of the building.
(2)	The importance of the building to the "tout ensemble" of the district.

BSL Council MTG Architectural-Review-Board-(08)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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