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'i’iii', advocati:.
J.VMMUY <N. • .
in in
Our Agent*.—The follow-in5 gentlemen ftrn our AuthorHeil Agent*, lo reeeivo 911 Y>Mcri|»iioti^ to the 41 (•nine*ville AdvocAte,” niul receipt for the sAine:
Al ('oImhiImh, Mim.,J *«. M. I?at:h, |%q. "	M*Miiirrlli»,	l>. K.	N.
•'	I lollMC4Vlt|r, **	L. II	11M • |H| |'<4,
M	Slml l*lmrn',	•*	|lt xt**, lv«\
*«	I lobol.trJuilo,	••	I..	Ki'mst.l,
*« \e«r Oilr:in«, l,n., Harm! tc l.ctu
| Lc.icli was lltm elected Sergeant-jat-Arnn.
January 8.—The Senate nntl House of lleprcscntntivcs met in the hall of llitj House fur the purpose of counting the votes for Governor. The rcsull^jiruuoimccd A. G. Ilrotv ii duly elcclcd Govcf-
Wc likewise nolirr. llial on lltcInu--;' •' --i» «;>u il whiji tins mark lOlli, the House ..I' |{.p:l-cnt;« l"T r-im-i
• :	.i	.i	• • . i.unsubdued— iTiiiir wenkness, dis-
lives took III) llie loint .csolulion	1
, ,	,	,	Irncied	ruiuir	ll-,	liniulily	nml	ir-
of the Semite, for th.M.ppo.ntmcnl	r„nil	in	hrr
of n joint comiii.tloc, lor Ihe pur-1,nli-iilations nf sm-crna iu
puso of bringing in n bill In divide fur Oregon, then
Ihe Slnle into lour Congressional have tvnr,
liirn inland iniiiMf.i lurifi mUticsl t*-msiiis "ill	ll>~	|||	nii,|,r,
The river is full to overflowing, mill still on the rise. The laic rains, which fell in torrents in this vicinity, lint e caused the smallur tvnler courscs leading Into the main river, to rise higher than Ihey have been knotvn fur many yearn ’Dolocliillo is higher than it has liccn known for six years. A risi' of thirteen fret is report:il in the llngucchitlo in one night. The Tnrapin-skiii is also full to over, flowing. The river is in good boating order at lliis lime, and if| il continues so, we may expect large quanlitics of cotton down.
A is expected daily at (hisplncr, lo run up llie river.
As most of our readers have no doubt seen llie Jackson papers coniaiiiing the proceedings of the Legislature, tie still but gite a summary of llie persons elected by llie Symtc and I louse of Hep-icscnlalites. Mnny nre nnxiou o knotv^u lio ore elected In Illi ud Hint nflicp, jet <lunut like tin rouble of reading through nil the rocccdiiigs to Arrive at the knotvl-dgr.
MoiiiIm ,J,nt. S.—At 11 n’cty k io Seiinlc was callcd lo order In ilm A. Wilcox, former Srcreln-Mr. G. T. Stvaun of llan-
nl, H as elected l'rcsident of llie -natc| Mr. T. A. Wilcox wan ecled Scrretary, Mr. Hudson, riner Door-keeper, was rc-clec-il. A joint resolution was in-iduced by Mr. llonnc nnd pass-, fixing Wednesday 11 o'clock,
the election of Scrgennl-nt-........................
... .	...	, ,. I it hole until lo business,
■ms, Slate I’rintcr nntl Keeper
the Capitol. The Senate ad-
irncd till 10 o'clock next day.
House, Jan. 5.—At II o’clock
llous'.' was culled lo order by
-. Wade. Janies Whitfield of;
nudes counly, w-ns elected
•aker: John 1). Montgomery
ik; N. Y. North Heading clerk,
Edward J. Parish Door-kee-
The llouso adjourned till
t day 0 o’clock.
muary 7.—The Sennle ami
ise of Hepresentatives, at >
meeting in the hall of the
sc, proceeded to the election]
laid Librarian nnd Keeper of
Jipilol. The former locum-
i were electcd. Mr. Keubtn
nur of the Slate.
January II).— I'hc Pcnalc'fcnd House met in joint assemblage.— Chief Justicc Sharkey administer ed the oath of cilice to Albert G. Drown, ttlio was llien proclaimed Governor nf the State of Missis sippi, nnd commander-in-chief nf| the forces thereof. Gen. II. S Foote tvas elected U. S. Senttor for six years from llie 4lh March, I8'17[ Joseph W. Chalmers was elcctcd U. 8. Senator lo Till llie place of H. J. Wulker, resigned. Geti. I'Niote*aitd Mr. Chalmers were Iho two gentlemen nom'u^a. ted by llie demoerntiu legislative convention, held on the Till oml Slh insts.
The election of Stmo I’rinler ivaspostponrd; llie present incumbents oflicinling until said election take plnce.
£/'1-rum all uccounts the iuati-urntion of (iuv. Jhown at Jackson, on llie Kith iust., must have ii'eii (juitc imposing. We give die following Tinm a letter tif our cnrrrspiniiltml at Jackson:
‘ I he inauguration of Govrrnor nlso look place this day, at Ihe hour of I'i, hi presenco cf Ihe members of Itotll Itoinri, aincnr blcil in the Commons Hall. The occasion was rendered quite interesting by the presence of a btge jniiniberof ladies. The members of both houses heing obliged to «il iu ciiiumitlec of llie whole, n number of llicm Imd to givo up their si-.itt lo Ihe f.iir sex. From the clixjucncu of his I’.xcHh'ncy in liis Maugural address, nnd the pcrfim:e nf Cologne, the listeners seemed Jiighly delighted. This plarr nt this time is literally filled will feminines, many of them fron1 abroad.'
He fear lhat with such allure ments near them, our rcprcsenln lives, many of w hom nre no dmibl ih),* lionml in tvedlock, tvill find a dillicult mnlter lo give lip (heir
districts. Mr. Leonard tvas
pointed one of the committee.—
- I
r*p«':iiy, «g-v«si..i,	mi|
fir ihim'uii'iu", ttlii-ilivr all i\.«.
,s m ner|tW«Ss, t’> s.iy li itliu.-; nf llir
i„ n cun- of lami-luu^ tlmii»,iii,|, v.itl »,.:V ttc ahall -o'y clu«iii>- nrtns, llir «a|pr, («.
i-M •dilrmt til nf
..... ...rS ni ij ic'-li hi. rrmiins t-i
, ,,,	"f." i	llie *een. W «• lutr lilllt |ninr< i.(
' llu t oiilidcnie in Lt'SV'. ■	‘	‘	» |irr« ttl« .11.j
!	I*'«r	nursclves
inenl in know Irdge tv it It rrgnid to »m:h ■ ie»uli, m|r,, """IC	'•(
We linvr: long thouglil this nrci's-sarj, and hope it may he rarrk-ri through. Our rilixrns need iiiit|.*sl'a(ps. Her Amciicnn turn Ms, wr ub.rrir ||„( tMi'ini'm' "f *,r'
be told of the propriety nf lliis. ifi"''1 llll'.V nn- multiplt ing like .m-; tided at W.,,!,*,,,.................................r'1''
'Imiin lenvrx,) iimi Ii Iter Hint « r re* t iMfnriniui,M| ,,
llut tli: cmiitrj ssill
llu: insliluli'itis nnd inn it- »ili Ii it ilia,, mgs of llu- guvclunieiit t.r llm U.| As I.. llit'|,r„l„l,ii,,-lf, . ••stales. Her Amoiicnn tniuMs, tfr •ili.m,, nl)t
I ft* a Iii'iti"' racy—the guveriiment hie.	^	...... ^
of n rabble, held liijjnher by * lung kept m .n.|,,-i,sr.
rope of nanrl— Hint «u nre faled(iiienntim; we sImiI attaii r.itu,
ti, dissohiliun, aii.iuhy »n l llie^lcmoiistrnlions ttill, all Hit iBtct
!prey nr petty i hieflnms, «t farlhrst fst w hit II ■ <pii-liuii sm.i-
,	,	'„I a lew t ears. The«r t himcras t iiiisei|Utnces, wu«» uiia«i,i*lal,lv
rics of nur (nvn .ml the JliHisli	;	,	wj(|l	„	lilllltil .|wiktl
goveri.nw’i.t, this deeply .,.-1	....... , '	c'
icreHtinq «|tiCH(uni; anil :n view of j( *	,....../	t».** :
id (ivcrrtii.ulowin^
KfHii llif* |),iilv Mi^.i
We Inst week pnl>li«ilietl n sy tii)|Ki*t of the voliiniiiioiM corici* |ioiMlencc between (lie fiinclionA
magnitude,!11''1* il	Tl'	*'U!'	!'
frnm (he prol.abic coiise.iueuce	'“l
: i i. • i	..	1	.	ihehete.	(yaptaio	Hamillun,	(
•Srnlcliinnii who wrote on 'mrii1
which il involves, nswell to tliis cnnnlry ns llm civili/.ed tvorld, il
...nst,1 (lie. most earnest,	||ll(J	,	f(r	„,p
mid itnxiuus atlculmti.	I	.	.	.	i........
i'liiiii iulercnurse us n nulion with fiireign powers, (Jen. Jnck-
sun laid down llie rule lhat we should nsk nothing llint was
On llir 2Cd Uu- . Mr, \-V.:r, if the judiciary cuninnf.-r. t*;.». . lied baek llie j lint ivv>hili»:n fi'„; and manners in Amcrirn,	f,ir tl,- ndmissi,., ,.t l:s...
liTlisffit linn	«•*»!	•*“	f‘“	*
. *'• ti .*1/11	1	uitliuiil	nnmiflm.'lit; ulti<ti «•>
ino«t fur mm ntiiurtul uf iirilihlil .	,	,,	.M	%•	,
. . , I	.	t .adontcit liv Inc? vmili1. Mr. WrW
lourisli wIiilIi itli.n been our for1 *
tune to hear of, wrote follows:
'I inntediatc am I ti'mporaiy ex
wrong. The principle has p..s„.!l,c,l";!,t-v 'V ed into a maxiu. which, heing lib-1:"’."1 mT'
ernlly i.iterpreled, ........	.1 .,U5
hit rig/il a,ul,/u„ S„ „l.\'"le.	ar,e,«
Wk linve already, iu several mii- 1 neilher wil l the sl.udily of
cles. subuiilled oiir  .........  Ihe l""r"<;	,l"!, nor vt-
subjvcl, hut after n careful », r,.s»I!^,,r "• 1 10	c H. |,»rlmrnl? j
of Ihe cm rcsponilenrn helwcen,l*r!lo"’i	,,e w,ll-al1
, ||-. .|,|e UIM| v.iscill.iling.’ And n
.Mr. I'.iKciiliuni on the nur snle*	..	n ..
nnd Messrs. t'alhom, -.tnd	«"	I'"1'1!'	"ten
—'Iimk’jk'ImU'ihc h ini|M>s»ilile.—
t'hry mm tsl.vvcs and feci them
iiclvcs ho.’
Tins writer *n cointnemlrd in
nnait on the nlher, we me nnilile to see n |>e^ It’ll, ii|inn which Jbi* lish Nccplicism cnn liani; a ilo'iht,
as lo nor •'■lie. His no'l ool.t j.,.1}	....	.„.-,Ka,.t.,e. (he Irnu
bi.tiucoiileslihlcng.iiiislthe wi.rhl I.	jf	ni||	h	^	|lrjll(.
and therefore, l.euig v.glil, svt-	"	,	,	, fi	.	, ,nosl ■
Itoiild go nl.rnd. Aever have	,	,	hi||„	|,i,;l| „rgli,|,	j,,,,.
we read a .bpli.nialic coire.pood	*	*	,iU	luu).
ento willi more unalloveu snli^ L *	,
fjdiun. If the pens ol our tbs-	,,r“"V1."'	'T01! ,l,c ‘"!n' m"n;
i.ngtiislied inK.Ules	Ud	l.rvn1''”'	"is.antioris a„.l govrrnn.enl
Ilimieil in sun-bean.s,	tin--y	could	'"'J' '.M""1*. lo .the cun
not have, den.......	ttith	grca-	«f hn coun.rymen In
ter ceil..... the.........illness of our 1 'B cr"v '!f l,l,<	of
title and llie l.illn. y nf llrilish prc-1 tensions tn the (Jregnn. ] I is tea-■'*
(f/• We nntice in the proceed mgs of tlio House of Kcprcscnla< lives, that Mr. Leonard,our mem her from Hancock, nllercd on the Hlh, ‘a resolution to instruct the enmmitlcc on the judiciary lo re port n bill for changing the law concerning the judges of the pro bate courts, nnd to compel them to give bond for tl.o ofj duty.'	*	-v/
On the 9th, Iho same gentleman presented n petition of Dcnjaniin Sones, former Sheriff of Winston county; (notv clcrk of the courts of Hancock,) referred lo the com mitice on propositions and grievances,
son .educed to innlliemjticiil cer lainty. This Iruth has forcci couviclinu upon the tvliigs in all parts of the. Union, untiuclnred ttilli Hartford fcdcrnlibni. The opinion, nol of a party, but of llie nation, has found a response in the Senate, speaking in tones nol to he mistaken, llial, linn ever ni.n l. tie may dispute nnd wrangle, ns lo men n.ui domestic ijin-siiou
Under n government such os America, composed or legislators elected Ijy ao numerous a constituency, independence of conduct cannot lie expei led in public men. It is accordingly uc where to he found.’
This is public nrnlinient Great llrilni.i now. Tlirir late|>, |,ir less trull.ful nnd im
paiiial 11 j mi I It... in the miin, upun such as cuticern oiiiselves!'0 r",n' 'h‘'"8*"S. >'»vc on,> .ml foreign naliuns, we are a, ""V'1 l« <»""«».	n	nnd
mnii—llint ns regards Oregon, A-|hV U'MVI"K"”:'.?"1!	«''*
pul>lic mind. Whether tlio rrcent exl.ihiiiun of manly independence nnd pnlrio'is.n oil Ihe part of the whig-, iu their vote upon General Cnss's rcsnhilions, which does lliose disiii.gui-.lied men inflnilr honor, tvill lend, llrilish stales men 0.1 the other eide of the tva-
merican integrity remains unblemished and unbroken.
llut w ill (irenl Britain profit hy the vule of the Sl-nate, upon Gen.
Cass's rcsnhilions?_ Will it serve lo lenr fron. her eyes the film with which alte rejoices to Idiiul hcv-
self, that this unit ichlly conipli .	....................
catcd mass t.r gover.. !!cr' "r "I'	ll,cr« 15 "omt
incut is fulling tn pieces will. j|,j,,,'h-|iciidcnco still extant among own weight? Will it nerve ,„|»»r puhln: men-lhal they are «iq( leach her more correct nolinns of ^tl 'Ill,,c 1 ^l"nor 'feel them-the progress of liberal principle*! ve' M> whether Ihe 6rmne*s. —of llie scici.ce, and (he object 0r';«l<-|;c"df»t-(i and lofty tone ofi government—of the caphcily of lUe ‘	*	message, meeting
ihe people, not only 10 goirrn ,M,t1 * ""S1' rf5l'"l,so "f nn(iuah-| themselves, but, also, to ,5,c,„	■'P|>r'.,,,:''"i'» from millions of
and defend their national, no less|" higs and democrats, and\ than their individual rights? }( cli r«tf for then very ehataeUrit-it dors this, in any material	'vhelher Iho demands for
gree, wo shall have peico. Jf tl.e|l,c»cc' con,,nG UP r«>B the co»-
slcr delivered, on the q-iesti ,f ndn.itii.ig Ihe resolulion lo i:s 1I1H reading, llie d 1.11 e -> t and Umr,; spceth, which pcih.ys eter |,-> ceeded frumn great 1.1 in. IIjhV ieclcd lo the resolution, fit-1, Iii-cause tlio extension of lli: tnriln-rv nf this republic was ous.-if.-— iur instil,njoin, end.digrii-d hy il, might r.m long st.rtive >1.11. a|«-1 icV.	11 is second objection srrmt
to be, bis disliki: lo (I..- rtpr-.-stn-laliou of llirrc fifdis >.|' Ihe lil.nk populalion. l/rsav' he,i<ttillinj; lo lei the principle remain,as fisul by the consliliiliun. ti. the ori^iiul ii.ii.-s; Ihii i. uutiilliftg In t lo llie nctv. Th: tiiinl amlli*t i.bjectiun raised ia, lhat llir 1 tnlion nf Texas forbids the lilr.r-alion of slaves, unless llu-ir milters agree lo il, nnd nre paid tlirir tabic. This is the sum total of Mr. Webster's greal effort against llie young republic.
As public e.<( ile.neiit ml annex-itiou has ceased, nnd thu expectations and hopes of ils friends btl. ly realised, tvilli the most f^elile opposition from ils strongest op. pounits, we tvill lirre ilosp our commentary 011 the consummation of (his iin|> measure, l ex-as is one of die United States— and her destiny, for good nr .11, is ours. A bill has b:en introduced into (h; senate, providing lor Ihe extension of ihe lansnf the l/niird Stairs over the •siat* of Texas'—establishing a diMrid courl nt Galveston, nnd for llu ppointincut of a marshal, dis. tritj attorney, and other citil clll-cers. -Hrr representatives ami senators tvill, no doubt, soon talcs heir seals in congress, nnd in > I’ctv abort years, Ihe conle«t for her admission tvill lie nlmost for^fll* ten.—[South'.i lb-former.
Hail floart.—The Yicksbtirqli Intelligencer mentions Ihe receipt >f a letter frnm Judge llodlv (it lie* is not” nt Tuscaloosa, Alaiiains.) in which lie expresses his toinic-lion of the success of his mi>sion to the Alabama Legislature. H'fl hill for Ihe Hail Itoad to the Mi*-ssippi line was t<> come up nn Ihe H9lh December. Wa presume the act tvill be submitted ia few daja lo the legislature here.

Newspapers Document (010)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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