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11mlr11'iir 11 in-- to the betterment of llie I 'mwr-m Ole Mi" Imiimvil I lermann by dedu .11 mg M.iMit I I.ill, ;i men?s dormiton, id Ins nu'iiinri in 1949. After a million dollar renovation, it is being redcdicatcd today as a telecommunications facility. I he bronze plaque to commemorate the rcdcduation reads as follows: I ?IN GRATER l|. MEMORY OF I-irst Lieutenant I lermann M. Baxter, who I* died in the serv ice of bis country from German tnoiiar lire in the European Area, Octobcr If), 1944. ?University of Mississippi, BA 194.1, Student Both President, ODK, 1 lall of Bi;. Fame, Who?s Who in American Universities, Cadet C aptain, Scabbard and Blade, Vice-Commander I lood?s Brigade, Bronze Star and Purple I lean. P? fe, ^ " ?Mc stands in the unbroken line of patriots wlm haw dared io die that freedom !JjV. might live and grow, anil increase its blesoin^s. ^ ?Freedom lives, and through it, be Inc-- in .i \\.n ilui liumbles the undertakings f of most men.? Franklin I). Rooh-iy//. I?iymi/, hi I ?? .V ,v, ? /hncrha - Chancellor?s wllcomi : t ?Good morning. It is a pleasure to welcome \<>u i" iln- m-?lv renovated facility and k ' to the ceremony to rededicate this building in n.i ?! I lermann M. Baxter and to cclcbrate its new use?that ol tclccommimu .n . I hi' building is symbolic of the special spirit of Ole Miss which combine'-tin be : "I ibe old with promise of S*" the new?the legacy anil the future ol Ole Mi *..- ?To begin our program todav, we are t" h ue ihe Most Reverend William f R. Houck, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese ol l.u k-on. to bring our invocation.? Mil most Reverend William R. Houck?s INVOCATION: ?Let us pray. Almighty and loving God, we praise and thank you for allowing us to gather today for the redcdication of Baxter 1 lall. We rcflcct gratefully on your goodness to this University? an institution of learning and culture and we acknowledge the inspiration provided through the memorializing of 1 lermann Baxter, one of its outstanding alumni. Mis scrvice to this University as a student leader and to our country in time of war, even to the ultimate sacrifice of life, challenges all of us to reach with generosity our own potential and providential call you place in our lives. ?1 lermann Baxter was described by his superiors as ?calm and cool, efficient and a highly competent officer, yet very human.' We, too, today are called to be ?very human.? We are enlarged of heart by the realization ol your great love for us and of the destiny you challenge us to fulfill. As we icdcdicate Baxter ball, we ask, Lord, that all who visil and use the facilities provided here may pursue excellence in learning and achieve it through reverence tor the u imIoiii of your word. ?Lord God Almighty, we ask you to enlighten and inspire those who by probing ! the powers implanted in creation, develop the work ol your bands in wonderful > ways. Look with favor on your servants who use the technology discovered by long *-V research. Enable them to communicate truth, to foster love, to uphold justice and right, and to provide tor the maximum welfare and protection of all our fellow human beings. All-knowing God and hither, 'how us your wavs; Christ, light of ? the world and wisdom of the l ather, teach us the words of truth and help us find pcace and justice very soon in the Persian (iulf; I loly Spirit, pillar of truth and courage, enlighten our minds so that we may learn and put into practice all that is right and good. 1 make this prayer in the name of Jesus the L-ord. Amen.? Chancellor Turner?s INTRODUCTION OI; GUESTS: ?A number of relatives of 1 lermann Baxter arc with us "-Z/jtfR today. At this time 1 would like ; to introduce three of ,-SVs I lermann?s brothers, all of \ whom are World War II veterans: Mr. Lionel F. Baxter, of Jacksonville, Morula, and his Chancellor R. Gerald Turner intn><Juees those in attend;!nee. wi tc M 1C Fn 11 CCS" Mr Joseph Clay Baxter, Jr., of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, (a World War II POW) and his wife, Lillian; and Mr. John William Baxter, of Los Altos,j|'^ California, and his wife, June. ?Other family members present include 1 lermann?s nephew, Mr. Lionel. F. Baxter,?,:' Jr., ofjasper, Alabama, his wife, Diane, and youngest son, Matthew Joseph; I lermann?s niece, Mrs. Laurie Baxter Turfitt of Greenville, Mississippi (daughter ' S of Joseph C. Baxter, Jr.), and her daughter Amber Turfitt. Also present arc I lermann?s cousins, Colonel and Mrs. John E. 1 iobson of Germantown, Tennessee, and their daughter, Elizabeth; Mrs. Calma Baxter Labichc of Southaven, Mississippi; and Mrs. Baxic Thompson and her daughter, Lissa, of I Kirfyvillr J ('nncscci? !? rim/lt: nrrcrnf -.if tiwl-iv?c rrrli'rltmtimi IVIr iintl JVTr<
Baxter, Lionel Lionel-Baxter-004