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NO. 4QS. ? j^1 ??'V^v-?' ? ,^sk#- ?? *???' V ;v??r . >t?J* ? ,,J.v ^ ' ?? ? ? / > ? ;^ *. -.'X-. ?: ?' . V ? w . -v*\v ??,'*./. . ; f. .. ! ,>.; ? Mf ':J ?> iV'v^ '?'%; : ^ *%? KAIS. UND KON. OESTERR-UNGAR. KONSU IN NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. ?- ,AT New Orleans Lq,*; Jpiljr -goth, 1911, SfiSr-r ? - *<* ? " ?? *? ?i Aft ?*.>? 4*?-* -? - * ? ** MR* ? J t* ? ***3 ??" GSROLAMO OUBRANI aro.P"v:---.3? JP* O H po^pff*^Box, "124. V* ? .* *' ? ?' W^I *^Vr^ i ??? * i i- ^ ^ ^ 1 ? of 23rd. inst, I h6rewi?h stQ'fZ'k'ii'***? l*j. % *-g^a ?%. ?'* v- %:^yi, atf**?? ' n*.^< ? 5 BfA t' ST> To m S Misi ?'.> j?;-. Irr< reply'to your letter^ x- r-' -..'???? ? return ^pur^Ma$r?^lartJ wMoh is not th'e ?boofe^. ref<*red to&, in wy,. W$riJ383 of^l^6 r8tliv!iafcid sinoe yciur military passport^-has .' '! . , ,j '- , .;y,.-*' . IfV?'- boon sent by this t>f?toe tinder date of* April' 4ih* 1911 to your >r * ippther Oatharina Cub rani oh in order to enable her to reoQVer' ??! * ~w- > ?" r r V'fi ^ ^ your deposit with l&e^Matrosen Corps Kominando, X herewith replace the same by awLandstur*ipags,t made out in your ^gme, -^of*; whi<4i please aolmowlefdge receipt.; ^ B I4- f> IT v " ? v' ?-? ? if*, youf* mother has presented your old passport - . ? V to the propei* authoritiesf as instructed, she will no doubt reoei** ?e the oloiiey.? Yours ^ truly \ CKSls\^\ ADSTBO HUN&ARSAH .00^% f-, - p frTJT
Cubranich, Jorko Cubranich-010