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'7^7<2 I'ZSV'O*? acires W?cs <Ovfyn^Ly fltftvtf-ej tsi l$?.&. J?m^o c),'cJ Gy] Sep+^bey T.Hf 18 m, Mississippi Sound Scale: 30 CAs. fx> ctru I/u^/u. Tp. 9 S., R.I1W,. 31 CLctisni of Jiux/L cle, Cuevaus 1 1230 05 'Acres. ---1------------------------ FfyLertZecL Feb.23,1882. Oyster Bay 7byyn^hip__ Tp.lOS., ft. 11 fV., 8 The a6ove p/at of Cat /s/and, A/Ii^sis^ipp/, iss/nct/y con forma 6/e to /he. fe/d notes of*survey by //enry Hamb//n D.S in /846 and of f//hu Carvers Survey of Cuevas'c/aim /n J832 on f//e in this office, and is constructed under See. 22J3 U.S .Revised Statutes. General Land Office, Wash/no ton, D C., " March 5-3, /9//. Commissioner & ex-officio US.Survnyor (je/>//orMssissy X
Cuevas 010