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tl ood ?f J csus Cb pisf J"lis Sor), clceiQsel^j us fYorr) all
si r).	1J?bo ?I:
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J7or as n^ar^y op you, as l^a\?c teci) bcipfi^ed ir)Io Chris!, \)vQ<t pul or) Christ. Sal. 5: 27.
6 6 ?	4H	c o ?	ocj	cct
Jesus said, su[jer lilllc c^jildrcr), ar)d pgr Id id 1 !*)? rrj r)ol, lo corrje ur)lo rrjc; Jop o[* sue!) is lt)c l^irjgdon) of* l^ea^cr). ^\all. 49: 4^1.
? Si	CM	6 6 6	? S U	6 6 6
\?crily 1 say ur)ld jou, v\^t)osoe\?ep sl^all i)o! receive l\)& lyr)^-dart) op God as a lilllc cl^ild, sl^all 19 r)o v^ise erjlei* lljep?ii}.
hu^e *13: 17.
0 6 9	6 6 6	666	666	666
Go yc ftjere|*ope, ar)d lead) all r)aIior)s, laapli^ir)cj	it)	flj?
rjarr)c op ll)<? Reftjep, ai)d oj* flje ?09, arjd op itje )~l?ly Gl)osl.
?\?l!. 25: 19.
666	666	666	666	666
Rop IM pponpise is ui)fo you, ar)d fo joup cl)ildper)f ar)d fo all fl^al arc a par of^, e^e.9 a3 n^ar^y as ll)e LSopd our Go d sl)?ll call, ft/lcls. 2:

DeFraites 010
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Hancock County Historical Society
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