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TWO?The Dally Herald, Gulfport am Valda Evans buried with UMC services Funeral services were Thursday from the Main Street United Methodist : , Church for Valda Boyd Evans, 94, Bay St. Louis resident who died Wednesday, '? March 24, 1982.' ?? Active pall bearers were Tom Evans, Scott Evans, Bill Pitcairn III, Greg . Carrier, Dave McDonald, and Fred ? McDonald! ? ,) .. Honorary pall bearers were Carl ; v; Smith, Joe Scharff, Dr. B. L. Ramsey, Alden Mauffrey, Ed Larroux, Otis Winnard, C. C. McDonald Jr. and Dr. J, _ ? s D. Rutherford. f ? Burial was in Gardens of Memory VALDA B. EVANS Cemetery, Bay St. Louis. Mrs. Evans, born in Dresden, Tenn., was the widow of Dr. James A. Evans who practiced dentistry for 50 years in Bay St. Louis. ' She had been active in community activities and received a life membership from the Bay-Waveland Garden Club. She had served as worthy matron in the Eastern Star and received a 50-year pin from that group. ^ She was past president of the Bay High School FTA, and worked with Bay High Band, debating teams, and served as a committee member 9f the first Girl Scout troop founded in the Bay Area. A member of the Main Street United Methodist Church for 73 years, she served as flower chairman during 37 of those years, growing many of the flowers at her home located at 604 North Beach Blvd. She served as treasurer of the Mississippi Conference, Women?s Society of Christian Service in addition to holding many local offices in United ' Methodist Women. She headed the Parsonage Committee for many years, and in 1970 was honored by her church at a ' dinner ?where she was presented a'silver tray. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. W. R. (Alice Vivian) Pitcairn Jr.; one son, James A. Evans Jr.', both of Bay St. Louis;* B ,-Ulster,'? Mrs.;:iH. G. ; (Marguerite) 5 Stone of Kingsport, Tenn.; fivf grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.^^;, . ? -, ? Dr^JamesErqns^ Bay St.?_______________ Dentist/Dies .'??is ? Dr. James'A.^Evans,'75, a prac ticing dentist'Jn Bay 'St. Louis ior 55 years ? and active in civic ?'and church affairs,? died Sundayj-atfer-noon at 4:20 o?clock at his home at 604 North Beach St. He had; been ill for" eight months.<^*^?4^' Funeral services will be^held Tuesday- afternoon at 2:30 ?.o?clock at 'First- Methodist^Church '-with the'Re^E.J fi.^Price/rpastdr;'offi-ciatingSHe' will be'assisted by >the RevV-C.'C.-Clark 'of Jackson,; Mis-I sissippi Conference!':Treasurer; .and a former pastor of the Bay' St. Louis Methodist Church. The,body will lie in state at the churcKffrom 4 p^m. ; today -until-; sei^ice ? time, toterment will-'be -fin:??.Garden^'of jVIemorieSjCemetery.4'';'; , Dr. Evans was bom in1 Shubuta,1 Miss., in July 1885, moved to'New Orleans when .15'years of age/and graduated in: 1905, from the-1 New Orleans College'?of1 Dentistry which later became, a branch of Tulane University.' r He, along with several-other.-dentists and physicians who had prac* ticed^for 50;yeafs',Weteihoribjed?iH 1955 ' with - a' spe'craTceremony. ,by Tulane University," ? Immediately upon;receiving^'his degree) < he':ttioyed'to Bay.'St.'jLbtiis and opened his officeI,'and prkctiiet in1 the city for j55,' years./.,,^^||rt3 : Dr.?; Evans Vas 'a past president of the Mississippi Dental Association and past president of the, poast Counties-' Dental, Assdciation'^The latter * organization*honored htrarjin 1960 forr his Voutstaft'ding servifie^td the dental 'profession andpresents ed him with a desk ^seti'".'.^-^^ In local; civic ?arid fraternaiv'organizations,* he served as president of . the Rotary Club , of Bay St. Louis and for'some time-had been, the only *'active?'}^charter 'member.-He was past master of Masonic Lodge 129, F&AM,;and past patron of.the Order of the Eastern.V.Stah^ir?t'? s Dr. Evans served oarthe'school board for 20. years' and-for part 'of that time .Was - president :of^the board. . *? I,,.., -x "? Active viri;, (theFirst-'Methodist Church, he. was a'^ member?qLthe official ftbard for 45 ,-yearis,^iras Sunday school.siipei&tOTdeft{;51or. 20: years and was a meiriber#>f the choir;for 35 .years, In addition itof his'=. many'other honors, the church honored him, in 1938 by; presenting ?? him a v silver pitcher-'in recognition of -his outstanding service.,to the, churcfr*K;; ' Dr. Evans is; survived by .-.his wife, the-7 former . Valda- Boyd;'of Dresden, Tenn.; one , son, '. J.VA. Evans " Jr;,'. .New (.Orleans;:1'-one daughter,"! Mrs." W. rR.--Pitcairn, Bay St. Louis;- five grandchildren; and five sisters, Mrs.- S., ;L. . Hollingsworth, Columbus; Miss.;-Mrs. T. C. Moody, Mrs.'Ira C. Dimmick and Mrs. W.;.B, Thomson,, Lake Charles,; La. ;"and Mrs. S.-Hem Dobyns, Kingsport, Tenn.
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