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? >%r? $ Catherine was the daughter of Francois BourgeoisJu^Marls&btia^Fayj rd?1$ Marie Anne was the daughter of Jean Fayard and Francoiae Pissaau sn<J nirlBorn*>iV**^ S'-Natchitoches, where Jean was putting In his Military strvica atv tharVii?a;* Franco 1 s Bourgeois and his wife must have aoved to the Bay St. Louis araa' In* eha'lscfctr^O *C?f\ years of the 1700 s, because there is connection of this faally vlth"otharfculf Coast families in che baptismal and sarriage'records covering that parloda Louis Auguste and Catherine marrlsd in Biloxi in 1801. Thay varauh /i'v, living along the Culf Coast already, wtienjfchey were courting.? *?*? *0 On the fifth day of May, loOl, I, Don Juan Francisco* ' ** ? Vaugeols, Parish Priest of the Church of Our Lady of the. ~ Conception of Mobile, being on a visit to the Coast of Biloxi, at an Oratory which had been established, and having dispensed with the banns for lack of tlaa, with permission of the Illustrious Bishop of this Diocese, and with no Canonical Impediment resulting froa the Information which I have now orally taken, preceding tha autual consent of tha contracting (parties), I see and give tha nuptial blessing at Mass to Luis Augusto LaFontalne, native of Hew Orleans, legitimate son of majority age of Pedro LaFontaint and Ana Mnrie Desbols, resident of this parish, on ons part, and Catarina Bourgeois, legitimate daughter of aajorlty agt of the deceased Francois Bourgeois snd of Harlans Fayard,' native of this psrlsh on the other part. Thsy both sc* knowledge (recognize) their daughters, Julianna, who was born 16 November 1795, Marla Evelina bom 27 February *1798, and one chi Id, unbapt ised, born 29 June 1600, in tha present I \ of the father of the grooa, with tha consent of tha mother ^ ^ of the bride given in writing, atxj In prassncs also'of"Fierrs ** Fayard and Pierre Karcaux, witnessed by both of them who did not sign, and, because of which, 1 hereby sign it for thaa todav in Mobile 26 May 1801. (Hoblle Cathedral, MB1, p? 91} * /a/ Juan Francisco Vaugaols ? -?v ?? I^iiln Aujuite And Catharine aettled on th? Co eat it?Oe.Jn S|>f fnji. In time t hrv purchaud ? large tract of land In what la partofthac dcy.? l.oul* AoKunir dud, the property we* dlatrlbutad latar to hla daecendant* Mir ? ? the name of "Th* widow Lafontalna Crant." SI* chi Id ran blaaaad thla union J Harle F.vfiinc, who Mrrlcd Jacquea Laforca, Karl* Florantina, who aarrllt^joMpft l.adncr, Kirit Euphroalna, who serried Jaroaa Ijran, Fallclta, vho serried John ji{?389a Uc.cbrook, Julianna, who serried Jaaa EapllaCe Ladnler tad Loula Auiuate^rV^yboiKfe ?v- married fcafllle Laforca. ^ ^?'Kjy^
Fayard 010