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DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. WIDOW?S CLAIM of tdaQ............................................. Uttc/ow wrfo waJ cn tSie ttelvece ? ti?e ^/ncted Coated, it) entct/ei2^ anae'P t/ie ^tlovtdconJ 0/ t^e act o^ ajMiloved ^ane <#, f S*e)?*, to leceive f1*2^ late 0/ ?(&ls/c f.'/Z^/U? ....?....... ... - t/o/ibld and-.................;.............:..;.z:^S cent) ^iep -mont^, tv commence on t^e \..?&J:L0Ll..... c/ay O^1 <~^A ?A/..., sffa: and to contcnae e/alcnp /tj^e, an/eJJ de 4&)a/c/ ajpacn mally, cn u^tc^ cade t/ie ^ienteon not^iayajf/e aj/fter' td'e e/ate ojf tuc^ malltape. ven at t^e ^ffiefialtment oj? tJie Q^itetcoi, tfa /?(&/.?/ r/./fAs ^ 0/ zr one t^oajand it Jianafied //C-//4-f S? Secretary of the Interior. /7 Cornmi?ri(/ver of Pevsions
Nixon Department-of-the-Interior-Widow's-Claim-Rebecca-Nixon