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Y, JULY?29, 1954 - 98-Year-Old Negro, Oldest Resident, ' * ?- ?? v - i, i* ? ? . ' Dies SuiidayX '; ? *?" -7. ? 1/ ..... ?-?Had Been'Postmaster Under Administration ? Of Three Presidents i. . V ~ --.'Xouitjofcaph. Piernas, Bay St. Louis? oldest citizen, died Sunday morning at 6:00 at his home on Easterbrook St. Born in Bay St. Louis March 19, 1856, the aged Negro was 98 years old at the time of his death. Curing his lifd he seryed fas postmaster in Bay St. Louis during the administrations of Presidents Benjamin Harris, William McKinley and Theodore Koosevelt. ,, v, He was appointed a school trustee during the term? of Mayor August Kel-lar. in 1687. In. __1882, .iie served as Secretary raid "'Auditor *'ol City afJ-Bay St. lxnus:' ; '*???** 1- ?P. fie was. elected to the Board ' of Supervisors of Hancock County . rep-lesenlij'-K Beat Five in /1384, .mid was' ?-detected into .the same office in^l8S&. 1j _ addition1 to political afliliauniii, ph.. li.lS ..TT^ani/ed tjie Promote Ik-:icw o--leut As^jciatio.i' ^n*l&37, and 'did much work ? the cultural ...and i/luoa* lional life oi tht? negio reiidenia.%?r.' '.V'Fu- rid >erviccs T v>?jre . held f.liun) rhc . sidalKO; ?Mond.-y morning'.' .vith tht iicv. Carlo} Lewis, . SVi_>, - of St. Ro?e( ?le Lii.*a jChurch/^'^t;./ -. 7i'l?ei'bodyJ was "interred . in the funl-,!y plot in .Oudar- Rest ICeuieltry, wl1 luneral arransemti-.ts-1 iuu3fT_ the dirti.* liJiiT of -Suli} fFii ?'ral ^ " j, K* was' ro.4riifcdl?t<>v'th?i l.-.te.''i Louiis' '.He hat" no' child- Bay St Louis ' MISS MAY H. EDWARDS "" \ LOUIS , J. PIERNAS RITES | Louis - J.A ? Piernas, s 98-year-old resident* of Bay St. Louis who served as chairman of the executive committee of the Republican Party in Hancock county for 65 years and was postmaster during the administrations of three presidents, died July 25 at the home ol a niece where lie resided. Mr. Piernas died after a long illness which followed a heart attack, Piernas, a son of one of the first settlers of Bay St. Louis was of French-Negroid descent. His mother was purchaser of the first piece of land sold m what is now the city of Bay St. Louis. He served as postmaster of the Bay St. Louis Post Office during the administrations of President Benjamin Harrison, when the post office was made third class; in 1898 under William McKinley and in 1902 under Tneodore Roosevelt,! holding that office until the Taft; administration, '??? -. lie served "on the Board of I School Trustees arid on the Board, of Supervisors for Hancock eoun-j ty. He was at one-time a dele-| gate to the Republican National; Convention in Chicago. - j Funeral services were conduct-! ed from the home Monday at 9? a.m. followed by a solemn Requiem^ Mass at the Rosa DcLima Church' \viui itev. Carlos_ Lewis officiating. Interment was in Cedar Rest Cemetery. ' Survivorsinclude live^'iueces/ ? hive litphevvs, 59 grand and great-;nuid nieces and nephews. . i L n s V w c< th sh P : -.i: You can cut down on fatigue if yc u sit'down V.?liile you iron. If pojsiLle tio your ironing at'one of the ^bocitls that be adjusted to your height. If yr.u mu;t use the usual type of board, try silting on a kitcheu stool thai, is hi;;h enough to bring you comfprtaLlyrup- tel-U.w lieii.Ut) to the Ix.ard A stool ,vi:h .& iak'.K is a help.' Andi remeu. H-r ihat a witie ironing' board iiilows .you to rut down, oni ironing ,molions.:'; .7^;. j The U.S. pojU L savings system? wi.h Ciposiis cf ' $.;,j45tOoO,l/uO. is U.j worki?s savings bank z&ys the National Geographic So*|: .1 J w \t r A roll. ; . ! j ? 5>..rv?yor? incWJc members : of tl'.? i > ?' ? \\ lour jprii^ua] B^you f.inuUr s, icnu- V/\3
Piernas Louis Joseph Piernas obituary July 29 1954