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1 > . 58 •< REVISED ORDINANCES. . ' , V. " which book shall be at all times subject to the inspection of any citizen of the city; the account kept by the Secretary'With th& officers shall show what funds the debits and credits represent, whether money, warrants or bonds ; the Secretary of the city shall examine, audit and settle the accounts of the Collector of Ta,xes, payable into the city treasury, and shall require all sums due fsom any officer to be paid, into the treasury, and on failure of -afcth^ayment shall ‘report the said failure to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen; and in all ca^es in issuing his receipt warrant for th^tpayment of ally money into the city treasury, he shall charge the person to whom such warrant is issued with the amount, if not before charged, to such person, and on presentation to him of the duplicate receipt of the City Treasurer, he shall charge the Treasurer with said sum, and credit the person to whom the receipt warrant Was issued with such sum ; it shall be the duty of the Secretary in settling with the Collector of taxes, to charge him with the full amount of taxes required to be paid into the city treasury, as shown by the assessment rolls and the ordinances, or the order of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen levying city taxes, and to credit him only with any payments he may before have made into such treasury, and with such legal allowances'as shall have been made to him by the board of Mayor and Aldermen, or are made by this act; and the said Secretary is authorized and required to examine the acceunts,. docket and records of all officers, to ascertain if any money payable into the city treasury is properly chargaeble to them, and shall' charge them-with any such money. It'shall* be the duty of such Secretary to issue his receipt warrant to any person desiring to pay money into the city treasury, specifying the amount and the particular account on which payment is to be made, but no receipt, warrant shall be credited to the person making such payment, nor be charged to the City Treasurer until there shall be produced and filed with the Secretary a duplicate receipt, signed by the Treasurer, for the sum specified in such receipt warrant; and said Secretary, for the non performance of said duty, shall be liable to the same penalties as prescribed in 'chapter (3) three of these-ordinances. . , IN BELATION TO THE TilEASDHEK KKOKIYING MONE/. • V Sec. 97. The City Treasurer shall not receive any money on account of the city except on the. receipt warrant of the Secretary of the city. When any payment shall be made into the city treasury in pursuance of any receipt warrant, the Treasurer shall give the person making such payhjent duplicate receipts, specifying the warrant on which the payment is made ; one copy shall be filed with the Secretary. ■ » IN BELATION TO THE COLLECTION OF PBIVILKOE LICENSES. ' ' * Sec. ,98. The Marshal of the City of Bay St. Louis shall be. the TKAMPS—CITY POLICE—BANQUETTES. • 59'^ collector of privilege licenses, and he is authorized to collect the same'when due,' and shall report weekly all licenses issued by him t to the Secretary of said city, (vho shall issue a receipt warrant to^ said Marshal for all money by him collected, who shall immedi- ’ diately pay the same to the City Treasurer. The Marshal’s com* pensation for collecting, said tax shall be five psr cent, on the *• amount collected Jjy him. ■ '> ' IN BKLAX^JN TO TBAMP8, VAQUANT8 AND PBO8TITUTB8. ' t, •j.Szc+9g. All vagrants, tramps and common'prostitutes, found in. this city shall be notified by the City Marshal to leave, and if found in the city after being duly notified to leave they shall be arrested as dangerous and suspicious characters, and shall be fined or imprisoned, or_,both» such fine or imprisonment, at the discretion of the Mayor;- And any person, or common’ cairier, who may bring such class of persons into the city, shall be compelled to carry them away, and pn refusing so to do, they shall be liable to pay a fine of not more than twenty dollars, recoverable before,the Mayor’s court. * , - • f 4/- ’ IN BKLATION TO CITI POLICE. V ’ .4 / • " ' «' Sec. 100. The Mayor shall have power to appoint police ’officers whenever he may deem it necessary, to serve temporarily until the.meeting of th#., board, but po longer without the approval of- said board. -The Marshal of the city shall be captain of* police; he shall perform the duties of policeman, and in addition . thereto he shall have supervision of the police force. It shall be the duty of the police to preserve peace and good order in the city, and to arrest, with or without warrant, persons violating or threatening, j either by word or action, to disturb the peace of said city, and it is their duty to arrest all persons who have, or who they may have reasonable grounds to suspect or believe have violated any of the laws or ordinances o*f the city, All persons arrested for violating ■ any of the city ordinances shall be brought before the Mayor, and on conviction shall be fined not more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned not.more than thirty days, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the Mayor. , ■' * . .. • ' ' ' • 'X. I I IN BELATION TO BANQUETTES, DITCHES AND DKAI!<B.V : j. * , SeBI ioi. That any person pwning any jots adjacent to any public street or highway, shall construct, repair, and keep in good order,, at the expense of such owner, a dry and, firm banquet of such width and of such material as shall be prescribed by said board of Mayor and Aldermeh, adjacent to or fronting the lot or premises of such owner, to construct, repair and keep in orde» such sewers, gutters, drains or ditches as shall be necessary to drain* such lot. And the board shall give notice to such owner in writ-0
BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(28)