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*lio C-.hI -rl-.nd Pl^n . .ition ~i t,	1	i	^c, Co. , r*'i 3ciisc:
The C&d-;riand Plantation Jite is located el, 3 £ile soath,. southeast of the community of Pevrlinston, H.-mcc-ck, Co., Mississippi. The loc-ifcion on tne -Lijrolets, La. v-unar jji£ie is in the SW 1/4 of irregular Section 551 Township 9^j, Kan*.e 15 W.
The site	consists of	a	larcre stratified oyoter	shell and
earth midden,	semi-circular	in plan, ^loc-ted along	the ed^e
of	low bluffs	overlooking	the Pe^rl River estu- ry.	The outer
diameter of the midden is approximately >^0 feet and tee inner diameter 300 feet. The site v/^s 'iiicov-ii-'j-vl in 195C4 during the course of u site survey of southeastern Louisian?, and southern Mississippi (Sauci.r, 1962: Gaaliauiq, i'-jZji Cia^liano,'/). Mapping and excavation has been confined ^ainlj co periodic weekend ventures since that tine.
Prior to discovery shell had beer taker, frcm <?. borrow pit in the northwester:; quarter of the	fcr	1c	oal	rc-Jid
construction. This borrow pit callcc:. nt-er.ticn tc the site and aided in initial exploration. In l'JC^ cho borrow pit was expanded and cost of the northern h. If of the ridden was runted. The author (Gagliano) was conducting foreign field work during expansion of the borrow pits, but djrins t.\c course of the digging Mr, Joseph Seael, an employoe of tr.o International Paper Company on whose property the site wms located, collected artifacts which he hj.s oa«i-3 available for study. In I9£>? cross sections of exposed walls of the borrow pito were nnde p.r.d new teat pits ware excavated in the midden.
Maximum thickness of midden encountered was 61/2 feet. Ihe
Lcnr. ppi

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