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BARTRAM TRIAL HSST STATI0K3 OR CAiPIMG QKOi/ND SHELTERS INDIANS LODOING, never transported their lodges; whereas they moved with their families they traveled Indian trails. An Indian trail la discovered with the marks of the lodije-polea upon it, it has certainly not been made by a war-oarty but if the track do no show the trace of lodge poles it will be equally certain that a war or hunting party has passed that way, and if it is not deelred to come in conflict with then their direction may be avoided. It is not difficult matter to distinguish the tracks of American horses from thoe of Indian horses, as the lat'er are never shod, moreover, they are much smaller8 If rest stations were constructed to look similar to the lodge poles of the Indians and the travelers tbo traveled on these tfcails it would lend a great deal of atmosphere to the natural uses of the area*
Bartram Trail-3-11-78-p.3