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BACOA Ladies and gent I emen— ; our setting tonight is Bacoa, One of a hundred small Chinese inf Iueoced islands in the India' Ocean. Our charcters are melonesians, who spend their days fishing and feasting , seeming I y without a care for the world. Horototo, like all proper story book princes lives in a paiace and is bored with it all. Right now, he sits watching the "Feast of the lanterns" wishing he were some whero else. As you will learn, His wish will come true, for- after all he is a prince, and all his wishe£ must come true. Bacoa’s Wizard, Jat-su-Li, hatf told Horototo of a far Our prince spends his days there in utter contentment, 9 but; after a while, he realizes that his happiness at Spacia Vye * is^ „ and that he has made a mistake in desert ing his re- s.up£Rflti4L sponsibiI ities at Bacoa. Our story concerns Horototo, the only son Scene 2 I PWMUAjUclI'kid'fa'k 4 * a ' oUttMbt/s . itter contentment. V Scene 3 Horototo^ return 'tOcSacoaiS^cejoJced^r . Vang~Ch ih.,;
Onward Oaks Programs & Shows 1962-1967 (32)