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CounhI Betterment Luca I P f'tf* AfM
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.The i9'6 msr.ibership drive for tna Bay Sf. Louis Foss' of tha Vet?rans of ^srsisn Wars got unujr
way nora Iasi v.eeSf when an onihusirtsiie maetin^ was- held at the courthouse. ? Shown signing initial cards Is Warrsn Carvsr (seated right) Post Quartermaster.;. Others shown arc *idw J * Fc.yard*- (seated (aft), V.suf (sfsrtdfrg, Left to'right) Oi!more Carver, Mnian King:" Pster	/?
?.-"aid - flr*d Nlorris Herring Ji". ot Qiloxt, -tonimander of the, First District. -	.	?	^
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' ? Harcock. Co-.?ity'Post Nl> 3353 yf f]?e Vcicraur of-- Koreiyn '.Vati will take an 'Uct?j*<v-p-irt in making tlie- city and county a hotter plnctg b> V e.-.uii: n renrga:iaaUc:!':of
F'dsf hpr^*ilc*xt- ;nwdsy' ntKUV.':$$J .j-.-.tnat- Warren .Carver- said thi| week. ?	,'?
' V/hili? ihr? I?ijsl. iicrlv fcrfs h^ljpp ed '/et.f'r.viiii,? 'bp: Said, all ?? .as no'.v. realize 'ihr- nee.-.-,3?tv 'of. j%K I'ndin'; our ? assis	U>W3f4
..ii ! propCisVtp comiuenee. one. og tt ?*? aotfciiics in 't$e. n5'.ii??lia^
? future;'.?	"?	?	?v"
\VterinVi 'of .oversoas ? s-' fvictf f:-pr.x the -: Spfcnish-Amerfran 'waj^ through *ho. K.jrcaa w.-iiv^nd ot? ?ct?f>4tivn forces who earned a foft t r-'n sirvioe. ribb?n, if honorabto served,-' eih qiiaiif'-? Joi" raeiiibei^ s>hip .in tiie- VFW., ?	'	7.	.?	,
Cnrver asserted that .interested ?"veterans- are- cardiaiiy_invited-tit he present- at th^-courthouse Mote day night, Sept. 26 uhd join-, tfiai Post.'. '? ?? '	'	?	?	?	?:&
:	'	?	.	?	?	'?'	?>?'	S
;? ?- El'tction.^'f- .ufficm- f >r the yea will hs ' "mfrsi - ..^Qri-	;r4p,
of r'!.:ij;ess. ? ' ?%	?? "
? -?	T.-
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Carver 一document-085
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Hancock County Historical Society
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