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The Shoffner Reunions. 113 next annual meeting and the appointing of a Committee on Family History. It was then suggested that Col. William Shofner, being the oldest among the men, and Airs. Xancy Shofner, of Lincoln County, widow of the late Jephtha Shofner, being the oldest lady, be elected as father and mother, so to speak, of this meeting and given the seats of honor. So a committee was appointed to escort them to the stand; and this being done and after a brief talk from Colonel Shofner, it was proposed that while a march was being played every one present should file past them and congratulate and shake hands with them. Mr. John W. liutli made an appropriate talk, which was well received. By request, Air. W. F. Slater, of Haley, read in a most impressive manner an obituary written bv a friend of the late Dan. P. Shofner, who was killed by a fall down an open elevator shaft at Alemphis a few years since. The meeting was closed with prayer by Air. liutli. At 8:30 P.M. another programme was rendered. The opening song was ?America.? Then came an address by C. II. Shofner, which was received with enthusiasm by the audience. II. 'P. Parker was called on, and responded in his usual happy style. lie said that C. II. Shofner had said that the Shofners had helped develop all that was good, not only in this State, but in several other States; that they had a reputation wherever found for honesty, morality, and charity. He said they were such a grand and glorious old race, as we had just heard extolled, and were fulfilling the Bible injunction to ? multiply and replenish the earth ? at such an alarming extent, he would take back his oft-repeated objections to President AIcKinlev?s foreign
Shofner, John and Descendants 096