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* ■ INDEX. Dogs —destruction or muzzling of........ .............. Drays—must be licensed..,.............................. Election—for city officers, to be held biennially....... —regulations governing................... —how result declared...................... • Election Commissioners—how appointed, their (Juties.... Election Officers—their duties and compeosation.......... — shall not be candidates for office....... „ - Expenses of City—appropriations for..........'.......... | Fines—for not attending meetings of Board of Aldermen . ( —for violating city ordinances ................ >a1 ■ * * —penalty for neglect to pay ......... ' Firemen—Exempt from street duty......................... Gaming—power to suppress........................... * • —penalties for, ... . Goa&—may be prohibited frojjB running at large,. A ■ « Government of City—in whom’vested ................. ‘ Hawking Meats-------to regulate or forbid . - fj;'j//' ^ Hogs—may be prohibited from running at large.... v'V.’.-jsfti.Jnquist of Damages—for property taken for streets.. / Licenses—shall be posted conspicuously .......... V '* be sold or given away during election V:V:^Market Houses—establishment and regulation of........... . 's -r " " Mayor~-general powers and duties of...................u, 12, 30 -a i * •. ’ , '•—salary and fees of..... ... ,N....................... 12 -/». '1 2^?’>>■ 'r,y — shall-make monthly reports of fines and ^'' •> •' •,» ’ penalties. .., ...14 ->r> > Mayorand Aldermen—powers and privileges of..... .f "17,2^- 3 1 'V-♦ «>•■?. —meetings of. ... ..•■•...................' "Mayor’s Court—jurisdiction and powers ot .«...TS—-n.. . ^,. i5,' . , s • Meats— to regulate hawking or selling . .. . V; .....T. ^ 17 •• Meetings—of Board of Mayor and Aldermen. .?3^9, v<< •- —penalties for not attending ...... Xvn,-. • ' *~ 10 ' 'v 'S. v ;-Minutes of Board—to be preserved in a well bound bqok. ., '25- A ? ' «•;. • , —may be published in newspaper.-..... . .V »*- * tMqrals—offenses against................ ___ —T' Ntiieances—what constitute, h'"*'" ’ *• " > /i. _ a well bound bq> ...aj- oe published in newspaper.-...... vflipials—offenses against........................ ...... “Ntiisances—what constitute, how to abate. ~ - v ,• : , —how defined,,penal ties for.X. sJfc. V v,*Oath—-to b^ taken by election commissioners ............ !' :,v j.; - —by clerks and peace officers... i....... . ‘J*> ’V'**-: V'-.y \ —by Mayor and Aldermen.,*.........../,----- , v V" ’-—by electors..,......................S.. ... * —by all officers... .*.................... 1 - ptfenses—against morals and decency....................... v' }.. ' • n . effecting public peace and quiet......... v !W , \u ^»ffec^og publ^Yety and public property —miscellaneous/ • > ......*. my ^ v' "4. ft -.fv P^OB. term .......................... 4i 7 v . —qualifications for.......................... 7— 7 —malfeasance,etc., in, how removed for.. * 8~ 7* of City—how designated................................ 4 ' —bonds of, how fixed ............................9 — / O 'j —duties and liabilities, 29 Jf Business:—at Board meetings. .•...................... 64— >jflt*nces—style of and when to take effect .............. 10, 57 - —when approved or vetoed by Mayor U —fines for violating ........................................... 19-^-^, ^ ^ ./ i ■ J —heretofore adopted to remain in force.... - v6 * 3 4' - ^ j Vf,-/ idinances, Revised............... ...................... ■'26-63 ' J* 9 J 60 ■ '/I*-'/ J —to provide for publication of ................ ™ —not included herein.repealed ................... 27 -3 k ■ ' • / j —in relation to wards and elections............ 28 ~ 3 if -r-in relation to city officers generally...... 29 Mayor....... .......*...............-30 - *>/ ^ i , ; ' v \ Secretary.............►•••/............. > % 3» ' ^ City Marshal,............ ?.............* #34 r W1*; ;r7 ■ Street Commissioner...........33 - * f.-;-S®*^ Assessor. ....................,!........ 34 - y ( • V# Collector........................’ 34 ,1-rf •/ , Treasurer ...'............ .*.* - r -in ’ ''"^collection ' ■ !4 —in reiauu.. - in relation to decency ... ........1......... —in relation to offenses affecting public peace ■ . and quiet ... .-........< *.47 *.1 — in relation to offenses affecting public safety r 38*10 ^ affecting public property...................-49 - 7 ~k ■—in relation, to nuisances ... ............... 4 9- /(' —ip relation to miscellaneous violations of * , ■’*. .‘A*/j- .•*' '•••- v ordinances.......... ..............».......( 50 <•" V J ^ t M in relation to publie conveyances ............ ' 51^ ^ —in relation to wagons, drays and carts.. r • , 51 '-P # —in relation to banquettes or sidewalks.... . 52-/5-^ Jw —in relation to oyster houses........... '53 - 7 jt ■/ aj> ^ ^ —in relation to dogs, vicious animals, etc.. K‘i~el4-77' ",.43,TO7 Roard of Health. ...... 54, 57 ^.56-'%^,’^ 5-5 ^ ,n rejan^,.- in relation to wagons, u^,. .. in relation to banquettes or sidewalks.... . D._ ■in relation to oyster houses......... '53-71 i -in relation to dogs, vicious animals, etc.. 53-54 -77*’, -in relation to.the Board of Health. ...... 54, 57*^7 -in relation to .city warrants. ....... .... 5.5* Jy -in relation to salaries apd" fees .......... ^ r^ -in relation to ordinances and by-laws, when to take effect ............ ......... 1. ->'gf —in relation to violation of ordinances 57.^ A\;. —in relation to the Secretary as Auditor,^ . /'.i... -v.'■ )f:h^ ' ‘ J . , \-S- ..\ V- ■ ' f-.X* " r n Vx/ /*>
BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(32)