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'68 INDEX. (i:r* V V fe^-V*V a\ued s*- 'V. Min\v .toqr.v •Nnlsa'r - ->>w r........"■■ \4»;. Ordinances—in relation to the Treasurer receiving mone ;j, . —in relation to the collection of privilege '*•** * licenses.................... —in relation to tramps vagrants and prosti-j lutes....................L. — in relation to City Police —in relation to banquettes, ditches and drains 81 , —in relation to opening roads and streets , ' —in relation to front bank and roads... g!t ' — in lelalion to gambling........r • —in relation to prisoners working roads, .j.b , . ’ —in relation to vehicles for hire by non-res- „ _ idents...........*................ HP. t\f —in relation to. interfering with officers.#/' —in relation to tax payers working roads, etc.7/ —ia relation to wi^lth of Front Road . .‘f/ Omnibuses—must be licensed........... ..........»., Oyster Houses--ordinauce in relation to..... . . .2 P... . • Paupers, Beggars,'etc.—to prevent introduction of |fj Pounds—for hogs, goats, etc......... «? .......* -19 ■i Prisoners—punishment of may be commutgd by working f .■ ■ streets...,.*.....-................. . 7^.. ^ * privilege Taxes—'enumeration of........../.TTV pP. 15, 43-46'^, collection of, by City Marshal..... £e3 ..... 5$ .Ws- Process against City—phall be served on the Mayor.......<? * «i , Public Conveyances—of non-residents, when run for hire must pay license. ,-,7............................IP “ 6a • Public Peace—offenses affecting'......................£>.<T 47 ' .* Public Property—offenses affecting.................. ~ 48 *:• *-l^ujjlic Safety—offenses affecting... .t............48 •,Public Work—contracts for shall be authorized by Board. 10 — not authorized by law or ordinance. .. & (e> ^ 20 1 • —officers must not be interested in .. ~ 24 Quorunj—of Board of Mayor and Aldermen..............JL~I° * . * . * ' Registration and Poll Book—how .revised. .... *j - • Registration of Electors—t<*be made by Secretary .......... ^ * 7 ^ £ —penalty for fraudulent....................... ? — 8 —in case of disqualified persops............ J “■ 7 Removals from office—how effected........................ef~ $ Reports—of officers and committees, must be in writing. ^3'64 Resignations—in case of, how vacancies filled............ ^*.9 ..Rules of Board—how may be suspended......................ftf- 6c- 1 Secretary—compensation of.....................ri, 14 —shall attend all meetings of/ Board i '<r —general duties^of 3^.^J7.*75!'2sf 20, 31, 33 •’ * j—salary of .... .........................dl .. Sidewdlkt»'?tnd Pavements—owners of adjacent lots tojceej) ........... ............^?.r.7.*. K f < IND0x j •how property tal^en for t ^ ■ —prisoners workin- T —streets, bridges, ’’ "1 •’ '', imnglo ( ’ jP°'ver of Board & , —who liable toVo/' V *2*^ ' • —who exempt (run * ’ j! * * "V-j......> *9 . -in relitionto on.. - ' Street Commissioner—duties o , **.......... ** i-jj Taxes—not to <"'ceed 1 Per ce,i a —hi. on reahy and persoijahy. * *■ * ft rtm 69 61 62 I Sweeps 19 63 19 60 33 W-* •ft? tor in when daniage|.ccrUa !0i follector—duties, compe ^tjon and bond of... —when to collt-.^xes*.............. . -.-i* • —ecutfc' by Collector .<j l. ,6> September. .. 1'ax 'Va* TaK L'al‘ J—to 39 4* 39' 37 16, how made 'raxSa\es^ l9.eic. -to 1 aduction of. compensanw- Vacancies—how filled. ......... | Vagrants, 'I’ramps, etc.—to PreVtvlntr0() Vicious Animals--ordinance rela { Voters—who are qualified .. . Wagons—must be licensed .. T I , Wards—boundaries of ;... * arrants—issuance-an<j registrat?’^'' - officers must no^ulate in............ ft...............-3!>- »«. 5< %, :h in repair. 21, t . * ■* y’ 0.“ y^r ^ 9 16,40-4. ^ _ Tramps, Vagramo, - Pre'iit introduction of .“ 20, 59wO -—duties of .. .............5.) 23, 34-3^ --bond qu, . 33 . uCf --jshall retetve allun^s from cjty officer^ Aa4,'35 t -bn receipt warr^ 0j-Secretary...........58 _ - -and pay money ^only on warrant S-S*“24i 36 ' ^ ^nensation of.; ..................... 56*^1 t/' 8, 9 ~ ^ ,p (,~20 iQ — ' \i-rt 24 *3 w „ -2 A 24, *9- \ ./ ^jli\ K / 4? A-/' 1 t ( ,-A i v- y-r
BSL 1880 To 1899 the-Charter-City-of-Bay-St-Louis-19mar1886-(33)