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) BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS SESQUICENTENNIAL HISTORICAL BOOKLETS Editors: Charles L. Dufour and Leonard V, Huber 1. New Orleans As It Was In 1814-1815, by Leonard V. Huber. 2. Sea Power and the Battle of New Orleans, by Admiral E. M. Eller, Dr. W. J. Morgan and Lieut. R. R. Basoco. 3. Major-General Sir Edward M. Pakenham, by Val McNair Scott. 4. Louisiana at the Battle of New Orleans, by Powell Casey. 5. Tennessee at the Battle of New Orleans, by Elbert L. Watson. 6. Plantation Mouses on the Battlefield of New Orleans, by Samuel Wilson, Jr., F.A.I.A. (Price $1.00) 7. The Battle on the West Bank, by Richard R. Dixon. 8. Negro Soldiers in the Battle of New Orleans, by Marcus Christian. 9. The Weapons of the Battle of New Orleans, by William E. Meuse. Price (Except No. 6) 50 Cents Each DISTRIBUTED BY LOUISIANA LANDMARKS SOCIETY (NEW ORLEANS CHAPTER) GALLIER HALL-LAEAYETTE SQUARE NEW ORLEANS, LA. ) Tennessee at the B ttle New Orl< 01 Leans BY ELBERT L. WATSON PUBLISHED BY THE BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS, 150TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE OF LOUISIANA 1965
Battle of 1814 P1