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age j7r. j. jy. Touune Will). J. {' ? my executors aforesaid, shall proceed to sell the same, as herein provided for the sale of other projerty, and upon said such sale, or sale, my said exeoutors fere hereby authorized and empowered to execute proper deeds to any purchasers; and in their capacities as such exeoutors they are either cf them may sign,seal,deliver and acknowledge such deeds, in as ample manner as I might myself do if present. The residue of my Estate consisting of Choses in Action and money, and t the proceed of the sales to be made by my said exeoutors as aforesaid. It is my wL 11 that after my debts (if any exist) iny funeral expenses and the cost of administration be paid, the shares of each of my heirs be made equal as herein provided; tho reiuainderbe oqually divided between my said ohildren, share and Bhare nlikn. In ncoordnnoo with a division made among my children on the 12th. day of Novnmlmr A. I). 1055, of my property in the City of Mobile,* (Ala)whioh division wnn dntorinlnod by lots drawn by each of them respectively I make the following devlno of my proport.y in said city of Mobile. 1. I give and boquenth uuto my daughter Mary S. Adele Casanova the lot drawn by her on said division consisting of a certain parcel or lot land in the city of Mobile aforesaid, on the East side of Jackson street,between Dauphine and St.Francis Streets, measuring 33 feet front on said Jackson St, and extending 150ft.6 in. in depth; being the north half of a lot of land belonging to me acquired by purchase from divers persons. The whold of which lot measures 66 feet on said Jackson St. On which said North half stands a portior of a Two Story brick houce built by me in the year 1844,a kitchen a stable &o. having the right of way from Jackson St* throughthe alley or passage below to the yard belonging to said property on the rear. This part of the house b being smaller then the southern prtion; owing that the division wall, which separate the northern from the southern portion of the house is put up on the north side of the alley or passage below which is common to both portions and extends up to the upper part of tie building. It is valued by me at $5000.00, 2*m I give and bequeath to my son John Victor Toulme the lot drawn by him in said division, consisting of the Southern porting of the above mentioned lot of land herein bequeathed to Mary S. Adele Casanova measuring 33 feet front on Jaokson St., by 150 feet 6 inches in depth; on which stands the South -ern portion of the above specified Two Story brick house, with a kitchen and a stfeblo in the yard in the rear of said lot; with the right of way through the alley from Jaokson St., to the yard aforesaid. This part of the house is 10 ft. larger than the northern portion. It is valued by me at $5200*00. 3. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Virginia Girard, the lot by her drawn in said division.Consisting of a certain parcel, or lot of land in the City of Mobile aforesaid, at the corner of Dauphine and Hamilton on the south side of Dauphine street and 7/est side of Hamilton Street, measuring 24 ft. on Dauphine St., and 84 ft., on Hamilton St., being the eastern portion of a lot of land inherited from ray mother. The part hereby devised has thereon a Two Story brick house fronting on Dauphine St., built by me in 1855, a Bakers oven,nrivy,&c. and a brick wall, the whole extent of said lot on Hamilton St. It is vaLued by me at $6000.00. 4. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Delphine Garandy tho lot by her drawn in saLd division consisting of a parcel or lot of land in the City of Mobile aforesaid adjoining on the west to the lot herein devised to ffajry Louisa Azelia Walker, measuring about 33 feet on the rear, being the western portion of the lot I inherited from ray mother aforesaid. Having thereon a two story brick h0U30 put up by me in 1851, having a right of way from the back yard through a passage on the rear of the lot ot Hamilton St. It ia galued by mo at $5000.00.
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