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It is probably beyond the province of an article like this to discuss the municipal government, the chartered associations, churches, convents, schools, social organizations, etc., of the town.
It is sufficient to say that it is one of the best-governed and most orderly little cities in the country, the preponderance of its population being refined and highly cultivated.
Religion and education are held at a premium within its limits, disorderly revels are discountenanced, and the fascinating pleasures of fashionable society allowed full sway.
Turtle Farm Successful
In the Bay St. Louis suburb of Ulmanville, Mr. A. A. Ulman, a leading citizen of the place, has developed a novel industry.
On a branch of the Severn River, one of the Maryland Senators— possibly Mr. Gorman—has a terrapin farm, or a twenty-acre shoal staked off from the shore and devoted to the rearing of "diamond-back terrapins." Diamond-back terrapins and champagne are expected concomitants to any respectable feast in the country around Washington, though they be costly, gout-engendering luxuries. The Maryland Senator has a small fortune in his terrapin pasture, and the Mississippi speculator has a limited pattern of the farm.
The S celebrated Gulf Island terrapins are just as good as Maryland diamond backs, tasteful Creole gastronomists and bon vivants generally well know. In this seacoast terrapin-rearing establishment, the proprietor procures his parent stock from the sand islands, southward, from terrapin-hunting men and dogs.
In a large enclosed pond, well palisaded, there are nearly one thousand grown terrapins nursing little terrapins, which, on reaching maturity will be shipped to Baltimore, New York, Washington, and other cities, and sold	for	one dollar a head, or tail, whichsoever	end	may
be emerging from	the	shell at the time they meet the purchaser's	eye.
In the same cities, there is an eager market for a thousand times the number annually shipped from the Mississippi seacoast.
It might be well to suggest that this appears to be a promising business, and, as the gentleman said to his speculative friend who proposed to send	over	to Italy for a lot of gondolas for the	lake
in Central Park,	"It	would be just as well to get a pair and	let	them
breed," as terrapins (not gondolas) are very prolific.
Sheen Raising Industry Supplies Wool for Factory
There is an extensive woolen factory in the rear of the suburb, -6?hich is owned and operated by Mr. Ulman.
This is dependent upon the sheep-raising business in the. vicinity of Bay St. Louis, which is about the most important of all the stock-growing industries pursued along the seacoast.

BSL 1880 To 1899 Turtle-Farm-Sheep-Raising
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