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??>? Friend* o( MUt Lillian 1(1, Jbfoun-*ard ud-I M*. Thomas ii> Xuraar, jr., WM l?u gfeft^y fturyrlsCk CO U^xu ot their w?d4fafc whica cook pUca *t tt:3i)r ? o'clook fin Cur day morulxi* at St. Authouy'a Catholic church with p I itight itov, Monsitf, B. a. ICoJJy , I oftleiaUu*. Tlio bride wai iUUnd-by All** M*rk'u?ric* Litfon and] /f the jjfoum by Mr. i'orreac J. Urou?>| sard, brother u? tho brid?. Tlio hrldo, who u ihu attractive j duuifhUr ot Mr. J. A. iiromtuard, I pioneer c*ttl<?nian and Uffc-lontj realdtut ot thU. county, received h*r curly wducailon Iroia tha ijoia* lnlcan Sltur# ut tit. Anthony'a * ?chfroi. ?h* Wd? * mouibor ot th? A uf-?JO. i Mr. Turnar?, the 'eon ot Mr. and { Mrs, T. ii. Turner, seuior, prominent t merchant of Winuaboro, To&uu, und ? a gradual* o? iundolph-Ma4oa J Military Academy ot B?djord,. Va.^ ? has tu?Q a r?aldtmt of tbU cUy tor < the past tvvo year* during: which J time he haa been connected with J the is'lrat National Bank. On Sep- ? tembur \ Mr. Turner aaaumud *? ntanagomsnt o? the Heiai* Storage ^ company uf this city. ^ Mr. and Mr#. Turner left Satur- >; day morning at 10:i0 o?clock over b the Gulf coaat for Nyw Orleans and u point* east and will be home to -chulr frlcnda in Beaumont Septem- a ber 15. ' V r- ^ ? * - V Q. V r y *r - t? ? & ??? sf% a Married at Beaumont Thomas Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Turner, was mar ried to Miss Lillian Broussard of Beaumont, Saturday, Sept., 12, and left immediately for New Orleans and other points on their honey moon. Thomas has been connected with the First National Bank of Beau mont and Port Arthur for the past five years and was recent ly made manager of Hei^ig Sto rage & Transfer Co., of Beau moat- <- - / O O <j .\ ^^^Lvte \nd shout Canon-Turner Nuptial . j ------ I At Winsboro, Texas, November t> I 9 a. m., the pastor of the First Me thodiat church said the ceremony that united in the holy bonda of matrimony, Mr. G. C. Canon of La^ mesa and Miss Emely Turner, daughter of Mr. T. B. Turner and wife of. (Winsboro, Texas. v;j Mr. Carton is a prominent ?Lamesa ? business man who narabera hia *! I J friends by his acquaintances. Mrs. Canon is a beautiful and accomplished yountf lady and we believe she too will make the friendship of all who know her. We feel that the good ladies of Lamesa will have a valuable addition to their circle in Mrs. Canon and we join the friends in hearty congratulations., They are at home at the Williams Hotel. t'r\Tk.,DlPMT> . U.j
Turner 097