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June 1863
7	Part	of Twentieth Mississippi skirmishes near Edwards
Depot with a deta^chment of the Sixth Missouri.
14	Twentieth Mississippi, Company E, is dismounted.
20	Company E rejoins brigade under General John Adams at
Clinton, Miss.
30	Company E with command commence march to relieve
July 1863
4	Vicksburg with 30,000 troops surrenders to Grant.
6	Company E, having reached the Big Black River, starts
withdrawal toward Jackson.
9	Company E, ordered into the tranches in front of Jackson,
begins the battle with General Sherman.
16	Confederate battalion, including Company E, routs
Nineth-Seventh Indiana Infantry.
16	Confederates evacuate Jackson.
17	Sherman sacks Jackson a second time.
17	Company E with command fall back toward Meridian as
period of inactivity ensues.
September 1863
9	Company E moves to a position two miles west of
ST 9f

Baxter, Marion Francis Marion-Francis-Baxter-Bio.-099
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