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63 Page 4 Letter from Mr. Albert DeVane "Cousin Bessie said that Margaret Conde was a niece of Prince Conde. I though this quite interesting and hope we can verify it. She also told me that Margaret Conde when leaving France, for some reason was unable to secure passage on the same boat with her husband, and she said she could remedy that. She went and disguised herself as her husbands page, and on returning, her own father and husband did not recognize her. Her husband told the officials that as his page was very delicate, he would take "him" into the state room with him. Thus our ancestors first came to America. Cousin Bessie was quite an old lady and has since died. She couldn't remember what magazine the picture came out of, and the picture was lost or destroyed years ago." About five years ago I went to Red Springs, N. C. and talked with the writer of the above letter. She confirmed the story and through her, I secured a copy of the picture of Margaret Condi, the great grandmother of William Rufus King in whose veins was Royal blood. I have ne er made any research in France, only the Conde family which has been translated into English. A DeVane descendent, Mrs. Ruth F. Metts. of Bristol, Va., a teacher in Seillers College (her husband is also a Dean), thinks perhaps she has found the key. She, being a daughter of' Prince Conde brother?nothing definite or documentary. In my mind, having talked with DeVane descendents, many hundreds in Fla. Ga., S.C., Ala., Miss, and the birthplace of the first in America, N.C. I am convinced of the authenticity of the story. Only a diligent research in France would establish without doubt the truth of the history. I do not speak French and am too old to make the research. I am quite satisfied to review their deeds of patriotism and works in the early building of our great America, a heritage to be most proud of--"the land of the free", (we hope and pray). Mr. Johnston, I hope you will pardon me for writing such a long letter, but it seemed I just couldn't stop. I am most interested in the King data you have compiled and from time to time I shall be writing you about the family. I sincerely hope you and your family enjoyed a nice vacation in Arizona. Next year, or this year, change directions and give Fla. a visit. I would be most happy for you to visit me if you should come. Please excuse the long-hand. Kindest personal regards
Pearl Rivers Descendants of John Pointevent-33