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30100450 12 ROOr RT'YT'JOIR R0/,r -TOI'T F01 wATF. A7 EII0"I F0r: '2,500 April 22, 1371 § Those who wish to secure a handsore residence across the T.ske, are referred to the advertisement in another column, of a desirable Biloxi property for sale. The r>l?ice is POO feet fror.t on Reynoir's road, and is only 1^0 yards fro"" the beach. The ir.orove^ents consist of n tvo-story house, (built on brick oillrrs three feet high), containing tvelve rooms and front ealleries, a double kitchen and two pantries, brick cellar and stable, chicken house, etc., the whole surrounded by rannificent oranre, fin, plum and shade trees. Th» whole vill be sold for'*?,500. about one-half of its actual vrlue. ■Annly on the prerises, or edirers A. Reynoir, care glass box 275, "ev Orleans Post office. (’*. 0. "Tirr.^r" - Faturday, Anril 2?, 1B71) 0 . James r,t evens)
Biloxi Document-(100)