Cardboard Boat Race

Two people paddling a cardboard boat decorated as a Viking ship
What floats YOUR boat?

The Hancock County Historical Society's annual "WHAT FLOATS YOUR CARDBOARD BOAT RACE" provides a fun-filled community event to highlight Hancock County and to raise funds in support of the Hancock County Historical Society.

Boats have to be made entirely out of cardboard and can only be human powered. They will have to be paddled 150 feet out from the beach, round a buoy at a water depth of approximately 3 feet, and return to the beach without sinking or capsizing.

The event takes place at the Bay-Waveland Yacht Club beach front on #1 Yacht Club Drive, Bay Saint Louis, MS.

The next boat race is held in:MAY 2025Check this website for the exact date as we get closer.

Contestants will compete for trophies against those in their category and division. Prior to the race, boats will be judged on originality and design with trophies awarded for each category and division. There is also an award for "Most Dramatic Sinking", so if all else fails you might still win something.

The divisions are:
  • Junior - ages 10 and under
  • Ages 11 to 15
  • 16 and over
  • Non-profit (public entities included)
  • Business

Each division is open to registration for both single and team crews.

Note: Crew age 12 and under must bring and wear a life jacket.

Boat Construction

Each individual is provided with three 4x8 cardboard sheets while teams get four. Additional sheets are available for purchase for $6.00 per sheet, or you may source your own.

The entire boat must be built with cardboard, with the exception of paddles and decorations. Duct tape may be used to enforce seams and one-part polyurethane may be used to waterproof.

Click here for a complete list of construction rules, materials allowed and disallowed, and some design tips.

Registration Fees

Division Individual Team
Junior (10 and under) Free Free
Ages 11 to 15 $10 $20
16 and over $10 $20
Non-profit $20 $40
Business $40 $80

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Hancock County Historical Society
All rights reserved