Alphabet File page 11

Letter of Republican Governor Adelbert Ames to his wife Blanche Butler Ames and two children at Lowell, Mass., - August 26, 1874 -- at Shieldsboro, Miss.


Our arrangements are definitely made to sail out to the islands tomorrow. Ship Island will be one of those we propose to visit. This I shall view with interest, as one whereon your Father and Mother flourished a dozen years ago.


(M. James Stevens note: U. S. Major Gen. Benjamin F. Butler with Mrs. Butler (formerly Sarah Hildreth) were on the island from March to 1st May 1862 commanding U.S. troops which occupied New Orleans, La.  With them was her sister Maria Hildreth Parker married to Ship Island Postmaster for U. S., John Parker who had a similar position at New Orleans and in 1874 still lived in N.C. Andrew J. Butler, brother of Gen. Benj. Butler, also stayed in New Orleans vicinity until Ben. Butler departed December 1862.  Mrs. Gen. Butler feared yellow fever and left New Orleans in June 1862).


Letter of Republican Governor Adelbert Ames to his wife Blanche Butler Ames and two children at Lowell, Mass., - August 29

Shieldsboro: LONG SAILING TRIP TO SHIP ISLAND.  We had a very pleasant sail.  We started at four o'clock in the morning and returned at two o'clock the next morning.  The wind was light almost the entire day, and we did not arrive at Ship Island until after sunset. The wind was ahead, and when a mile to the leeward of the Lighthouse beating up to it the full moon rose behind the island, and made the scene quite beautiful, as well as unique.


As we moved along, the moon would be at one time behind the Lighthouse, at another behind the Fort, and again behind the buildings between the Fort and the Lighthouse, which were built for, and once occupied by our troops.


WALK ON ISLAND.  We landed, and lighted by the moon and a lantern carried by the keeper of the lighthouse, we walked through the deserted street formed by the officer's quarters and soldiers' barracks on either hand, to the Fort, which we inspected.  It is in perfect condition, and last winter some guns were mounted on its parapet.


The buildings used by the troops as quarters are fast falling to decay.  The wind has drifted sand about like snow.  Some of the houses have been undermined, while others have been banked up.


There is one house they said was your Fathers HdQrs; though my impression is that he lived in tents or some temporary wooden house he could and did transport from place to place


I recalled much I had heard of the sojourn there of your parents, and also some of (Col.) Kinsman's narrations, and withal enjoyed the moonlight visit much - though there was a feeling of sadness - a lonesomeness always incident to visits to scenes where those we know have been, especially when every step indicates decay.


I found an old artillery sergeant who is in charge of the fort, acting as Lighthouse Keeper.  He has a family there - five children - and aside from his assistant there is no one else on the island.


We had a drink of excellent milk and started at nine o'clock on the way back.


("CHRONICLES OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY”): Family letters of Blanche Butler and Adelbert Ames - married July 21, 1870. (Compiled by Blanche Butler Ames, 1935 Vol. II 1874-1899). (Privately printed 1957.  Pages 18-19.  MJS VI 00585)


Ames, Mrs. of Ocean Springs, spent Tuesday in the Bay. (SCE 11/5/1892)


Ames, Amanda  DEC. 1-8-1867 Pet. Filed Jan. 1867-N. O., La.  Amanda Melvina Cowan Ames. Wife of Hugh O. Ames - Daughter of Jesse Cowan. (No source given)


Ames, Blanche Butler, wife of Rep. Gov. Adelbert Ames. (See letter under Ames, Adelbert).


Ames. Geraldine,  212 N. Beach  (Ph 48 thru 50, 55)


Miss Geraldine "Dine" Ames, daughter of William Ames, niece (H. Favre said she was not a blood niece) of Mrs. Philo (Philomene) Gaspard.  Together they owned the A & G Theaters and built the house at 212 North Beach in 1945 which they occupied along with relatives Lillian and Charles Zerr.  (SCE Jubilee 1942 pg 16). Previously, the Ames home stood at 120 N. Beach (later relisted as 150 N. Beach Blvd.) where they built the A & G Theatre in 1926.


Ames, Gregory - 230 S. Beach (1968 phone)


Ames, Hugh O., was married to Amanda Melvina Cowan, daughter of Jesse Cowan Ames


Hugh O. Ames & widow Josephine Hale married 1869


Ames, Lillian, daughter of William Ames, co-owner of the A & G Theaters.  She married Charles Zerr and resided in New Orleans.  See - A & G Theater (SCE 4/16/1927).


Ames, Wm. is erecting a neat and attractive cottage on Apothecary Street.  Later on he will erect another one on the same land.  We are glad to see such public spirit as Mr. Ames is manifesting.  (SCE 8/13/1892)


Ames, Mr. is progressing nicely with his new cottage on Apothecary Street.  (SCE 8/27/1892)


Ames, Mrs. Wm. and daughter, Geraldine, are spending awhile in New Orleans.  (SCE 9/10/1892)


Ames, Mr. and daughter returned on Sunday from a stay in New Orleans.  (SCE 9/17/1892)


Miss Rosa Ames, of Ocean Springs, is spending awhile with Mrs. Wm. Ames. (SCE 11/5/1892)


Ames, Mr. Wm. and daughter, Geraldine, returned on Wednesday after a visit of several days to friends in Ocean Springs, Miss.  (SCE 12/17/1892)


Ames, Mr., pretty cottage on Apothecary Street has lately been completed and is as tempting and cozy to occupy as any one can desire.  Already Mr. Ames has received several offers from parties desiring to rent. (SCE 12/17/1892)


Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Wm., while St. Peter fell asleep yesterday morning at 6 o'clock, one of the angels of the gentler sex escaped, and has made her home with the Ames.  It is hoped that the little stranger will enjoy a long term of life and prove a life-long blessing to her happy parents.  (SCE 02/11/1893)


Mr. and Mrs. John Helen, from New Orleans, are among the welcome people to make their home at the Bay.  They are occupying Mr. Ames' new cottage on Apothecary Street.  (SCE 03/04/1893)


Ames, Wm. will soon be the owner of another pretty cottage on Apothecary Street. The work of construction is progressing nicely.  (SCE 09/16/1893)


Kuttner A. J. and children are guests of Mrs. Wm. Ames (SCE 09/23/1893)


"Anchorage" the summer residence of Mr. George E. Sears, is pleasantly situated on an elevated plateau surrounded by giant oaks, and is the last house on the beach, towards New Orleans, from an architectural standpoint it is truly a Southern home with its broad gallery front and rear, its wide halls and windows and its quaint little dormer window(s) overlooking the waters of the Bay, makes truly a beautiful picture, surrounded as it is by a large and beautifully arranged lawn, with beds of costly flowers and large shade trees, whose foliage is as green and pretty in December as it is in May.  Mr. Sears must have built this home for his own comfort and convenience as everything bears evidence of that fact, and it is just such a place that a lover of the beautiful would enjoy and the artist desire to place on canvas.  (ATG p 7)


"Anchorage" - A visit was made to the residence of Mr. Geo. E. Sears, and his fine stock of cows and horses were inspected.  Mr. Sears' house is a cozy one, surrounded, as most cottages at Waveland are, with magnificent trees and with a wide pasture behind it.  Mr. Sears has made his place a stock farm, and the sleek animals roaming over one of the most picturesque and beautiful pastures it has ever been your correspondents good fortune to see.  Mr. Sears has in his stable some remarkably fine colts, very high bred, and giving promise of developing into valuable animals.  The wonder is how one can willingly leave such a country bound for the dusty town, even for a day.  (excerpt from article in SCE 05/13/1893)

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