Alphabet File page 12

"Anchorage", See mention in article "Waveland - The Lovely Village On The Mississippi Sound"


Anderson, Mr., has sold his property to a Northerner, we learn as we go to press.  (SCE 02/25/1893)


Anderson, Mrs. - Mrs. M. L. Lane of New Jersey, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Anderson.  (SCE 8/6/1892)


Anderson, Mr. A. of Bay St. Louis was up on a hunt Sunday (Logtown) but did not kill anything.  (SCE 11/26/1892)


Anderson's, Mr. A., recent-purchased property on Union Street is the object of much re-modeling and improvement. Additional rooms are being built and the entire structure overhauled in general and will look pretty when completed. (SCE 04/01/1893)


Anderson, Mr. A., was last Saturday at the regular meeting of the board of Mayor and aldermen, and granted the right to construct a public wharf at the head of Union Street. He was granted a franchise of twenty five years, ten of which will be free from taxation.  Six hundred feet from shore will be erected a grand pavilion 60x120. The dancing pavilion will be 40x80, and so arranged that entertainments can be given. There will always be on hand a band of music. Flowers will be planted on each side of the wharf leading to the pavilion, also evergreens. At the entrance of the wharf, a large archway encircling the entire space of the street will be brilliantly lighted by electricity. The pavilion will be all roofed and one portion will be all enclosed. At the end of the wharf will be a public landing for boats of all sorts. The wharf will be from 1200 to 1400 ft. from land. Six hundred feet from the pavilion will be constructed bath houses for the public.  Mr. Anderson is a man of much energy and has the capital to materialize his splendid project. The necessity of such attraction at the Bay is too well known for comment. Mr. Anderson will have the cooperation of the press, and if the people of Bay St. Louis know what is good for their city, they will earnestly join.  (SCE 09/09/1893)


Hazen, Mr. - On Union Street property is not decreasing in value. Last week Mr. Hazen, recently from New York, who bought a property from Mr. Landrien and improved it, sold to Mr. Anderson for two thousand five hundred dollars. Mr. Anderson intends to move the present house nearer the front lot and in its stead build a handsome two-story building.  Bay St. Louis has a big future if a few more will put the shoulder to the wheel as Mr. Anderson is doing. (SCE 09/09/1893)


Anderson, Adolph.  Sep 2, 1893 BSL City Council granted Mr. Anderson the right to construct a large wharf at the foot of Union St. with a grand pavilion several hundred feet from shore 60 x 120 ft. The dancing pavilion will be 40 x 80 ft.  Flowers and evergreens will be planted on each side of the wharf leading to the pavilion.  There will be electric lights.  Bath houses will be 600 feet beyond the pavilion.  To open for 1894 season. (Daily Picayune 6 Oct. 1893). (Note: this was l mo. before the big Hurricane) Anderson, Mr. A., and Master R. Sadler, of the Bay, was on a deer hunt in parts around Pearlington this past Saturday. (SCE 12/16/1893)


Anderson, Mrs. A. G. (of Santa Monica, Calif.) was a daughter of John Osoinach. (SCE Jubilee 1942 pg. 25).


Anderson, C., mate aboard the steamer "CAMELIA" on her maiden voyage.  See also entry under Marine File: "CAMELIA" (N.O. Times - Monday, April 16, 1866 p 2 MJS 00228)


Anderson, C. E. 116 Bay View Court (Ph 48 - 50)


Anderson, Carter Samuel 5-3-1983 baptized at the Pearlington Methodist Episcopal Church (PC&C)


Anderson, Jamie Louise 5-4-1980 baptized at the Pearlington Methodist Episcopal Church (PC&C)


Anderson, Miss Lulu, is spending a few days in the Crescent City.  (SCE 8/20/1892)


Anderson, Miss Lulu has returned from a pleasure visit to the Crescent City.  (SCE 8/27/1892)


Anderson, Miss Lulu, we are glad to note, has made an entire recovery from her illness of several weeks. (SCE 04/01/1893)


Seal, Mrs. E., Anderson, Miss Lulu, and Vonau, Mr. Joseph, are among those on the sick list this week, we regret to note (SCE 10/14/1893).


Anderson, Thomas - 40 miles up Pearl River  (From a list of names who claims land under "Requite's" given since the year 1803 and mostly about the year of 1810 as viz assessment.  VF Tax Rolls)


Andrews, Mrs. Lilly, visited her mother, Mrs. Chadwick in Waveland on Sunday.  (SCE 6/10/1893)


Andrews, Miss Lilly, visited her mother, Mrs. Chadwick, in Waveland on Sunday. (SCE 6/24/1893)


Andry, C. Dudley 406 Jeff Davis, Waveland (Ph 55)


Andry, Catherine r 441 Easterbrook (Ph 55)


Angels of Charity Society of Bay St. Louis, will give a series of Christmas tree entertainments at Firemen's Hall, tomorrow from 1 to 5 p.m. and between the same hours on Monday.  The Angels of Charity Society, of which Mrs. E. Miltenberger is the vice president, is one of a true worthy mission, assisting the poor.


A nice time will be had by all the children and - by the mammas and papas, too, who will attend.  There will be no admission fee.  The good Santa Claus will be ably assisted by the following-named young ladies:  Miss A. Wagner, Miss Evans, Misses A. Shannon, L. Saucier, F. Gardebled, Miss Keller, Miss Shansy.  Misses M. Nenroth, C. and M. Jordy, V. Breath, M. Gex, R. Drouet.  The fancy work table will be presided over by Misses Pearl and May Cameron.  The different tales will have the following assistants:  Misses J. Cazeneuve, E. von Koningslow, A. Nicaise, L. Combel, A. Spotorno, L. Olivari, A. Combel.  Misses M., L., and G. Gragnon will have charge of the "fishing pond".  The "roulette" table will be in charge of Miss T. Fayard and Miss Nicaise. Don't fail to bring the children. (SCE 12/24/1892)


Annis, Clara B. Mrs. Thos (Ph 55)


Ansley, ad, (The High School Idea, Vol 1, BSL March 1908)


Ansley, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet - The home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Ansley was this morning blest by the arrival of a girl baby.  Mr. and Mrs. Ansley have the best wishes and congratulations of the ECHO. (SCE 10/29/1892)


Ansley, Mr. Emmet, having associated himself with his brother-in-law, Mr. J. B. Ulman, at Waveland, moved with his family to that town last Saturday.  (SCE 10/21/1893)


Ansley, Mr. Emmett.  Some stray chicken thief found his way to Bay St. Louis Monday night, receiving twenty-seven of the feathered bipeds belonging to Mr. Emmett Ansley.  (SCE 10/21/1893)


Ansley, Mr. Emmett, and several other gentlemen spent a part of the week in Devil's Swamp on a hunting expedition and bagged a lot of game.  They propose to return soon.  (SCE 11-4-1893)


Ansley, E. M. - Capt. Charles Breath this week sold his famous fast-sailing yacht, the "MAMIE B.", to Mr. E. M. Ansley.  Next spring Charley intends to have one of the finest and fastest sloops ever brought to the Bay. (SCE 11/5/1892)


McSwane, Mrs. Rosa Bell of Columbia, Miss., is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. M. Ansley.  (SCE 11/5/1892)


Ansley, Mr. E.M., of this place has resigned his position of bookkeeping for the Ocean Springs, Lumber Co., of Ocean Springs.  (SCE 12/10/1892)


Ansley, Mr. and Mrs. E.M., gave a delightful informal dance at their home "Rosedale", on Saturday night.  There were a large number of invited guests present and all enjoyed themselves immensely.  (SCE 02/11/1893)


Ansley, E. M., and J. B. Ulman, young gentlemen who are to be congratulated upon their ownership of "The VIOLA", an elegant, spacious and commodious boat.  This fine craft will no doubt win for them many laurels.  (SCE,5-13-1893)

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