Alphabet File page 18
The Beach Boxes of Albert Baldwin, deceased New Orleans, April 29, 1912, E. R. Skinner, Judge Albert Baldwin, a native of Massachusetts, age 78 years and 14 days, departed this life 21st April at Baldwin's Lodge, Miss.
Cause of death - Cerebral Apoplexi (sic). Birthplace of parents, New Hampshire. The petition of Henry Fay Baldwin, Albert Baldwin, Jr., Alice Baldwin, wife of Nugent B. Vairin, and Nugent B. Vairin for the purpose of assisting and authorizing his wife and Gustave Bouligney Baldwin, all of full age and majority, and residents of the city of New Orleans.
Albert Baldwin, Sr., contracted two marriages viz. (1) on October 1855 he married Rhoda Maria Griffin in the city of Boston, Mass., and was issued one child (?) Jacob Franklin Baldwin October 30, 1857, who died in November. An infant died October 31, 1858. (2) Rhoda Maria Griffin was born and died in New Orleans September 19, 1858. On December 23, 1862, he married Arthemise Bouligny in city of New Orleans.
Children by that marriage: Henry Fay Baldwin, July 10, 1864; Albert Baldwin, Jr., October 6, 1866; Arthemise Baldwin, December 1, 1867 and died December 7, 1867; David Gilmore Baldwin, 1868; Cuthbert Slocum Baldwin, Feb., 1877 (?), died October, 1878; Jacob Baldwin, born Feb. 20, 1880, and died July 12, 1883; Ella Baldwin, Born June 17, 1881, and died July 23, 1883; Lillian Baldwin, born November 28,1882, and died July 17. 1883. That their mother Arthemise Bouligny, wife of Albert Baldwin, departed this life intestate at her domicile in the city of New Orleans on August 3, 1911, as will appear by reference to the annexed certificate of death from the Office of Records of Births and Deaths, Marriages in and for the parish of New Orleans. That their father Albert Baldwin, Sr. departed this life on the 21st day of April 1912, leaving an olographic last will and testament and codicils duly probated - that there existed between their mother and father. [.???.] died an infant on October 31, 1858, that the said Rhoda Maria Griffin, wife of Albert Baldwin, Sr., died in the city of New Orleans on September 19, 1858. (2) On December 23, 1862, he married Arthemise Bouligny in the city of New Orleans. That of said marriage were born the following named children viz: Henry Jay Baldwin, July 10, 1864; Albert Baldwin, Jr., October 7, 1866; Arthemise Baldwin, December 17, 1867, and died December 17, 1867; David Gilmore Baldwin born November 28, 1868; Cuthbert Slocum Baldwin born February 8, 1870 and died October 12, 1878; Alice Baldwin, wife of Nugent Vairin, born July 17, 1871; Gustave Bouligny Baldwin born April 20, 1877; Arthemise Baldwin, wife of William Ottman, born July 1, 1878. She died April 12, 1906. Surviving her as sole heir Artheonise Baldwin Ottman, born April 7, 1906
Baldwin, Oliver. 806 S. Beach (Ph 68)
Baliss, Mr. Jno., of Columbia, was in town (Logtown) Sunday. (SCE 12/17/1892)
Ball, Sidney r Pecan Grove Ln. Waveland (Ph 55)
Ballard, Marshall, 916 S. Beach Blvd. (Ph 48 thru 50, 55)
Ballard, 916 S. Beach. Owned Item in N. O.
Ballard, Ruth Marshall, died July 7, 1929 (SCE 9/20/1929) (FM)
Ballentyne, Mrs. J. C., daughter and sons returned to their winter home in New Orleans Monday morning after a pleasant visit to their lovely summer home on the beach. (SCE 12/17/1892)
Balluster, Mr. of New Orleans, paid a visit this week to his niece, Miss Steinhilber. (SCE 9/03/1892)
Bally, Rev. Father V., the zealous and beloved rector of St. Paul's church at Pass Christian, was in the Bay Wednesday. Father Bally is perfecting himself in the study of music and the Spanish language at St. Stanislaus college. (SCE 11/5/1892)
Alphonse, Rev. Father, was the guest of Rev. Father Bally, at Pass Christian, on Thursday. (SCE 1/19/1892)
Baltar, Katherine E. 89, Metairie Cemetery 16 Jul 1982 (CEC)
Baltar, W. W. Jr. 654 N. Beach (Ph 50)
Baltar, W. W. Jr. 665 N. Beach (Ph 55 -68)
Baltz, B. C.(349), Mrs. T. J. Baltz, Decd., Austin Baltz, Theodore Baltz, Nadine Baltz Parnell, Eunice Baltz, Beatrice Baltz Landry, Ferdinand Baltz. Probate Decd. 21 A.D. 1937. A.G. Farve-Inez Farve Dep. Clerk).
Banderet, Carl J. - Candidate for Coroner in Democratic Primary Aug. 26, 1975 against Nina Green Garcia.
Banderet, Charles Mrs. 204 Park Av. (Ph 48)
Banderet, Charles Mrs. 215 N. 2nd (Ph 49-50,55 )
Banderet, Mrs. F. - member of Minerva Association (VF Gardebled)
Banderet, F. J. Sr. Banderet & Fahey Funeral Home. 1906 to 1920. (BSL 100 Yrs. pg. 52).
Banderet, Frederick, numbered with the Sunday excursionists to the Bay. (SCE 11-18-1893)
Banderet, Fred, Mgr. Shamrock Dairy (SCE 1/28/1928 FM Bldgs.) Ref. Ullman Woolen Mills.
Banderet, L. J. 308 Main (Ph 48 thru 50,55 )
Banderet, Louie Mrs. r 107 Citizen (Ph 55)
Bangard, Mrs. L., gave a pleasant party on Monday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pate. (SCE 02/25/1893)
Bangard, L. & Sons Livery Stable - A well equipped livery stable is a valuable acquisition to any city; this we have in the livery stable of L. Bangard & Sons and they have elegant carriages to let, and in connection with the stable run a wagon line, delivering merchandise, moving pianos or anything that properly comes under that heading and all orders receive proper attention. The stable has several good rigs, and among other equipment is a large tally-ho just suited for picnics and picnic parties. All of his turn outs are first-class and his rates are as low as the lowest. He is assisted by his sons, John, Murray and Forest and all are experienced hostlers, and Claude Fayard is a partner so it is in good hands, and gives its patrons good service and prompt attention. (SCE 05/20/1893)
Banin, Harrison S. Decd. 10-3-1893. (Book A.-Banin Page 23233. Min Book 2-585)
Banister, Chas. M. Dr., Kiln Hwy. (Ph 48 thru 50,55 )
Banks, Clarence 204 Easy (Ph 50,55)
Bankston, Birch r. Beach - Clermont Harbor (Ph 50 - 55)
Bankston, Birch O. Jr. - r. Forest Ave. Clermont Harbor (Ph 55)
Bannister, Pati - Bay St. Louis artist renowned for portraits of children. Won the E. Emerson Albright Award four times and has held shows in New Orleans and Daytona Beach Museum of Arts. Her husband, Glenn, owns the Townhouse Gallery in New Orleans where her work is exhibited. (Sun Herald 3/19/78),
Bannister, Pati - BAY ST. LOUIS ARTIST PATI Bannister decided several years ago she would paint what she liked - and the public loved it; so much in fact, she is now considered possibly the most popular English resident painter in America today.
Her haunting and exquisitely detailed paintings of young children, usually set against a beautiful rustic background have found a wide following and now command prices in the five figures.
Although her work schedule, eight to 10 hours a day seven days a week, precludes entering many art exhibits, she has captured the E. Emerson Albright Award four times and recently held a one-woman show at International House in New Orleans, where she was declared an honorary citizen and presented a key to the city.