Alphabet File page 3
To both the Beacon extends hearty congratulations and best wishes. - From the Pass Christian Beacon
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Hand have the very best wishes of The Echo. (SCE 12/17/1892)
Adam, Mr. J. B., section foreman at Waveland, gave us the pleasure of a visit on Monday. Mr. Adam is prized as one of the valued hands of the L.& N. R.R. (SCE 1-13-1894)
Adam, Lydia r Dunbar (Ph 48 - 55)
Adam, Mildred Miss, Austin Ln. (Ph 55)
Adam, Wilbert J. 441 DeMontluzin (Ph 55)
Adams, Mrs., visited the Crescent City this week. (SCE 11-18-1893)
Adams, C., res. 4th Waveland (Ph 50)
Adams, D. Howard, res. 509 N 2nd (Ph 55)
Adams, Mr. J. B., of Waveland, is having an addition made to his house. (SCE 11-4-1893)
Adams, Mrs, J. B. - The Misses Mollie and Lilly Fincher have returned to their home in Mobile, after a fortnight visit to Mrs. J. B. Adams who accompanied them. (SCE 8/6/1892)
Fincher, Miss, of Mobile, is visiting her sister Mrs. J. B. Adams in Waveland. (SCE 11-11-1893)
Adams, John S. Mrs. 315 Leonhard (Ph 48 - 50)
Adams, Mr. Lionel, one of the best criminal lawyers in New Orleans, was a welcome visitor to our midst this week. (SCE 8/6/1892)
Adams, Lionel, Attorney, and family have arrived at the Bay. (SCE 6/3/1893)
Adams, Hon. Lionel, the distinguished criminal lawyer at New Orleans, after spending a while at the Bay, left Tuesday for New Orleans and for a stay in Chicago. (SCE /19/1893)
Adams, Lionel, 806 S. Beach. " Nellie's Villa". (ATG 1894).
Adams, O. P., res. Ramoneda (Ph 55)
Adams, Sylvester 218 Ballentine (Ph 48 - 50)
Adams, Rev. T. W. held services at the Methodist church on Sunday (Logtown) (SCE 2/10/1892)
Adams, Rev. T. W. - Brown, Miss Rebecca, daughter of the late Geo. W. Brown, of Pearlington, and Mr. W. Wallace, of Blocton, Ala., on Thursday the 22nd, were married at the M. E. Church, South, Rev. T. W. Adams, officiating. They were attended by four couples. After the ceremony the guests were entertained at the residence of the bride's mother. (SCE 12/31/1892)
Adams The Florist 317 Ulman (Ph 48 - 55)
Affle, Charlie m Russ, Florence 12-23-1939 (PC&C)
African Methodist Episcopal (AME) See article named "Methodist" on alphabetical list
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Churches (AMEZ)
Agregaard, Alice Mrs. 330 Clermont Blvd. Clermont Harbor (Ph 48 - 55)
Agricultural & Mechanical Fair in Mobile 12/6/1870
We understand that Morgan's U. S. Mail steamers and the New Orleans, Mobile & Chattanooga Railroad will carry exhibitors and their wares to the Agricultural & Mechanical Fair to be held at Mobile commencing Tuesday, December 6, 1870, at half price.
This is a liberal offer, and we have no doubt many of our merchants will embrace the opportunity to make their goods known to the citizens of Mobile, and those from the interior who visit the Fair.
Besides the very complete and liberal schedule of awards prepared by the association, several special premiums have been offered, and the association has also appropriated $7,500 for objects of special interest not provided for in the published list. (N.O. Times, Nov 15, 1870 P4 c4 - VF VI 00429)
Aherns Mrs. Lily (Waveland) spent Wednesday in New Orleans. (SCE 01/14/1893)
Aiken, Gayle r 984 S. Bch. Blvd. (Ph 55)
Aiken, Gayle, Jr. 200 Beach Blvd,. Waveland, (Ph 48-49)
Aime, E. A. 112 Court (Ph 48 thru 50, 55)
Aime, Mrs. Edmond Albert, was daughter of V. E. Lizana. (no reference)
Ansley -Date of settlement is not clearly defined, but Ansley is located ten miles west of Bay St. Louis and was established as a flag stop on the L & N Railroad. The town was named for a man by the name of Ansley who was once a roadmaster on the L & N Railroad. Post office was once located here just south of the railroad station on a road which led to the old Claiborne Plantation on Mulatto Bayou. (Hometown Mississippi by James F. Brieger)
Aitkins, Charles. Attended the Aitkins candy pulling. (Daily Picayune 21 Aug 1888 pg 6).
Aitkins, Lillie. Attended the Aitkins candy pull. (Daily Picayune 21 Aug 1888 pg 6).
Aitkins, Misses. Gave candy pulling in Aug 1888. (Daily Picayune 21 Aug 1888 pg. 6).
Aitkins, Stella. Attended the Aitkins candy pull. (Daily Picayune 21 Aug 1888 pg 6).
Aken, Judge A. K. - The civil suit of Mr. R. Telhiard vs. the City of Bay St. Louis was tried last Saturday by Judge A. K. Aken and resulted in a judgment for the plaintiff for $47.00, the amount sued for. The case had been pending for some time previous and attracted unusual interest. Mr. Telhiard, who rented a property of his to the city for the last session of the public school, claimed proper consideration for damage done to property. His claim was twice set forth to the Board of Mayor and each time "laid on the table." (10/28/1893)
Aken, A. K. - Decd. 1894. Father of Joseph F. Aken, Laura B. Jones, Eulei Jones, Hattie J. Growell. (Bk. A. Aken, Min. Bk. 2-P666-7)
Aken, Albertus K., Husband of Jane Cowand. Born: Mar. 17, 1819, Rahway, N. J., Died: Nov. 3, 1894 Bay St. Louis (CFC)
Aken, Jane Cowand, wife of Albertus K. Aken. Of Deer Island", buried in Biloxi (CFC Bk)
Aken, Joel F., Born Apr. 14, 1838, Rahway, N. J., Died Aug 26, 1884 Bay St. Louis. (CFC)
Akin, Richard, 990 S. Beach (PH 86 - 87)
Alba, O. G. r Waveland Avenue, Waveland (Ph 48 - 55)
Alba, Russell 140 Oak Blvd, Waveland (Ph 55)
Aldege, Jules Mr. and Mrs. are North on a pleasure trip. (SCE 8/6/1892)
Aldege, Mr. Jules, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, of New Orleans, spent Sunday at the Bay. (SCE 02/25/1893)
Aldege, Mrs., and Mr. Walter Cook were at the Bay this week. (SCE 11-25-1893)
Aldege, Jules, recently died in Paris, France. His remains arrived in New Orleans this week, and were interred in the new St. Louis cemetery. (SCE 8/5/1893)
Aldege, L. (Leonie) - The following named young folks composed a crab party last night: Misses Julia Moore, Sara and Belle Logan, Sadie Richardson, Anna O'Brien, L. Aldege, H. an Aldig, Mrs. Jules. "Villa Alice" (ATG). L. Vienne, Misses Wogan, Duggan, Hamel, Fouenter, Messrs. Cook, T. McCaleb, L. and T. Lanaux and others. (SCE 8/6/1892)
Cook, Walter - The marriage of Mr. Walter Cook to Miss Leonie Aldege has been announced to take place in New Orleans. Both parties are summer residents here and have the best wishes of the community. (SCE 11/19/1892)
Aldrich, Dr., and family and Mr. Hazen, of New York, have registered at the Crescent Hotel. (SCE 11/19/1892)
Aletuea - writer for the SCE (SCE 3/25/1893)
Alexander, A. E. Harrison, Blue Meadow Rd. (Ph 55)
Alexander, Emanuel r 419 Webb Ave (Ph 55)
Alexander, Ernest r 448 St. John (Ph 55)
Alexandre, Virginie & Duminy, Phillipe Durival m 1868 (OLG MB 1)
Alfano, Frank P. r Oak, Clermont Harbor (Ph 50)